UN-Acceptable Behavior

A story in yesterday’s New York Times brings to our attention once again the fine job that the United Nations is doing to make the world a better place:

Liberian girls as young as 8 are being sexually exploited by United Nations peacekeepers, aid workers and teachers in return for food, small favors and even rides in trucks, according to a new report from Save the Children U.K.

Of course, the entire civilized world, its patience already stretched to the limit by US abuses at Guantanamo, immediately rose up in outrage, and anti-UN rioting paralyzed the world’s capitals.

Oh wait – well, actually, that didn’t happen. Nobody seems to be bothered, particularly, except for Save the Children, which recommends a swift and severe response (emphasis mine):

Save the Children said Liberia and the United Nations should set up an office to investigate cases of the sexual exploitation and to work to ensure that the behavior stops, prosecuting the offenders, among other steps.

It also said United Nations workers accused of sexual exploitation should “go through judicial proceedings,” and if found guilty, should not be sent elsewhere as peacekeepers.

That’ll teach ’em.

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