Stop The Presses!

What’s just fantastic about living in these exciting times is that just about every day, Science turns up amazing facts that nobody could ever have imagined possible. (Nobody, that is, who received his or her education in the liberal West of the past few decades; these things would of course have been blindingly obvious to everybody else, always and everywhere throughout human history and around the globe.)

Today’s gobsmackingly astonishing shocker: women appear to be wired up differently from men, in a way that predisposes them to care for infants.

Read more here. (And from a related item: as for what wakes up men and women, for women a crying baby is at the top of the list, while for men it doesn’t even make the top ten.)


  1. If you dive into the archives of serious science journals, you’ll discover a lot of research that flies in the face of the blank-slatism that pervades the humanities and the media.

    I mean, how many educational policies do we have that take heritability of IQ into consideration? None, because we’re not allowed to admit that just maybe lots of good teachers and after-school programs can’t affect inborn ability. And yet . . .

    No one really bothers to understand what some researchers are saying or doing, and these same researchers are usually so smart and purist in their pursuit of Science, they’re completely oblivious to the fact that what they’re concluding would be anathema if it ever got injected into a political discussion.

    Posted May 8, 2013 at 10:49 am | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    “…what they’re concluding would be anathema if it ever got injected into a political discussion.”

    Indeed. Just ask some of my liberal ex-friends.

    Posted May 8, 2013 at 2:51 pm | Permalink

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