The Truth Is Great, And Shall Prevail. Or Not.

Yesterday I wrote, with regard to the Richwine affair, that “in their ardor to eliminate, for all time, every form of discrimination ”” which righteous Quest, infinite and unbounded, is the holiest sacrament of our new secular religion ”” it seems that many on the multiculturalist Left are more than willing to bring Truth itself to die on the altar.”

Here’s an example — from Scientific American, no less! — in which journalist John Horgan suggests an outright ban on research into race and IQ.

We read:

Institutional review boards (IRBs), which must approve research involving human subjects carried out by universities and other organizations, should reject proposed research that will promote racial theories of intelligence, because the harm of such research”“which fosters racism even if not motivated by racism”“far outweighs any alleged benefits.

And a bit further on (emphasis mine):

Scientific American has just published two excellent article [sic] on “stereotype threat,’ which is a kind of reverse placebo”“or “nocebo’”“effect; victims of negative stereotypes may underperform because they believe the stereotype. See here and here. Some clever critics of my post might accuse me of hypocrisy, because these articles present esearch on race and and should be subject to my proposed ban. Obviously I’m trying to eliminate research that reinforces rather than counteracting racism. I mean, Duh.

And obviously we’ll know in advance what the results of our research will be, I suppose, so we can foster the one sort and stifle the rest.

Elsewhere in the article, Horgan asks:

… Harvard researchers Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray argued in The Bell Curve that programs to boost black academic performance might be futile because blacks are innately less intelligent than whites; and in 2007 when geneticist and Nobel laureate James Watson ascribed Africa’s social problems to Africans’ genetic inferiority. (Watson is also a former Harvard professor. What is it with Harvard? Could there be something in the drinking water?)

The answer? Why, it’s right there in Harvard’s motto: Veritas.


  1. Quid est veritas?
    –Pontius Pilate

    Posted May 21, 2013 at 11:06 am | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    If we don’t look for it, we’ll never know.

    Posted May 21, 2013 at 11:09 am | Permalink
  3. Harvard’s new motto: Fugimus Veritatem

    Posted May 21, 2013 at 11:23 am | Permalink
  4. JK says


    …victims of negative stereotypes may underperform because they believe the stereotype.

    Wouldn’t the reverse be the more likely?

    Put another way, wouldn’t the “victims” strive (put more effort) into disproving the stereotype?

    Posted May 21, 2013 at 3:15 pm | Permalink
  5. “Put another way, wouldn’t the “victims” strive (put more effort) into disproving the stereotype?”

    Not if they’re libruls.

    Posted May 23, 2013 at 4:52 pm | Permalink
  6. JK says

    Well TBH,

    I’m guessing the deluge is about to inundate us, appears white people [maybe Jews too – depends I guess whether the Jewish Lady or Henny Youngman was allowed to read the map:

    My guess is – if we believe this shit – we likely did. Oh, Britannia.

    Posted May 25, 2013 at 7:11 am | Permalink

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