Ready For Prime Time?

There’s a bosky little corner of the blogosphere that is home to an intellectual movement to which I am ideologically sympathetic, and with which I am loosely associated. It is known variously as the Dissident Right, the Dark Enlightenment, or Neoreaction.

This seditious cabal been around for years, but only lately has begun to attract glimmers of mainstream attention. Now the website TechCrunch, one of the most popular sites on the Web, has published an article called Geeks for Monarchy: The Rise of the Neoreactionaries.

The blogger Scharlach, whose Habitable Worlds blog is very much in the thick of things, neoreaction-wise, comments on the TechCrunch article here. He observes, rightly, that the article takes too narrow a view of a community that is more than just a gaggle of monarchists. He also singles out for reposting an excellent comment taken from the TechCrunch article’s comment thread (which seems to have drawn quite a few neoreactionary bloggers out of the woodwork).

Have a look, here.