He’s In The Details

Some time ago I offered a peek at the way modern legislation ensures transparency and ease of understanding. Given that getting at the meaning of almost any Federal bill these days entails reading not only the bill itself, but also the plexus of other Acts that it refers to or modifies, thoroughly unraveling these monstrosities requires a peculiar, almost monastic disposition. (I note in passing that it would be surprising if most, or even many, of the bloviating extroverts we send to Washington to vote on these things are actually so constituted. If I were a cynical sort, I might almost form a dark suspicion as to whether these grandees actually understand a hundredth part of the laws they pass.)

It turns out that, like your humble correspondent, National Review‘s Yuval Levin also has the sitzfleisch for this dry and meticulous work. Here’s a glimpse of his latest gleanings.


  1. The only way to get a real clue about the meaning of the “beautiful passage” that Levin cites is to pass it through a gibberish generator, which yields the following:

    OitefTnflnEen oiI,b(R6tO) inSle lIt)‘yctter(esnosdteg atm.TpoapL llo .p –iitNne3s meis pCga(aOoArtmtCFhd OVaa ei .yTs t’1O,c heid’L idAaec0do’ht ki )u’er’eyAelcI aaE hoser eDeeiTh lai(D)ide(y imnsep Ih rt tysn3iniys3 syl’tIdn1nrVTt u1)o.8cI e0noF iinfc riI anenna NttAA.s)e9a r raGodsLtur CtE3 rreyl S sNn6( EOtra gd.Ognediul
    .FIe– I‘) rfyEeoig(dP 0eLEin1E es2m eH’rlieZI.n tfTtO1acEuOToZE8 b) b)gFSf 2vhs‘Rot 0F.aNhsaatnuin 2‘2e(21 ib rdsvi 6 i’rb5In0ema 5cIb‘otc e s3atiE(b,Tnre’E .Auoantss

    Transparency at last.

    Posted December 10, 2014 at 7:59 pm | Permalink
  2. Á  propos …


    Posted December 12, 2014 at 11:59 am | Permalink

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