Happy New Year To You All

Well, we are back in New York, after a restful interval in Cape Cod. The weather was cold and damp, and the outer Cape largely deserted, but it was nevertheless balm to the soul to be out there. I captured a few dozen oysters, of course, despite temperatures just above freezing, a leaden sky, and a chilling wind and drizzle.

Here is the low-tide scene at Indian Neck on Saturday afternoon (click for the hi-res version):

It was not an ideal day to be splashing about in the bay, but under such conditions the tidal flat is not a popular destination, and the oysters — great big ones, perhaps lulled into a false sense of security — were lolling about in profuse abundance. And given that my brief exposure to the elements soon gave way to the scene below, the hardship was not difficult to bear.

But I sat down tonight not to write about oysters, but rather to thank all of you: for visiting, for reading, and for your many thoughtful comments. I am very grateful to you all, and in particular I thank you for the strength and support your kind words and thoughts gave me back in March, as I grappled with my mother’s sudden illness and untimely death.

I am glad to put 2006 behind me, and look forward to a calmer and happier year ahead. I wish you all good health, success in your endeavors, and happiness in the company of those you cherish. May your homes be sheltered havens of peace and love in the days and years to come.

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