Monthly Archives: May 2022


The news-cycle today is dominated, once again, by an eruption of evil. This time the limb of Satan was one Salvador Ramos, who, being pursued for shooting his own grandmother, entered an elementary school and massacred everyone he could until he was shot dead himself. (Nobody, as far as I can tell, has commented yet […]


As we detach morality from a transcendent source — that is, a source that has an intrinsic moral authority that stands higher than our own subjective opinion — we necessarily diminish morality’s normative force.

Service Notice

Sorry for the scanty content – the lovely Nina and I are in Minnesota until the weekend (and I’ve nothing new or interesting to say at the moment anyway).

We Are Doomed

Now and then I post things on Twitter, and tonight’s experience – in which I simply tried to make the point that the abortion question is a terribly difficult and complex one, about which decent and reasonable people can have different moral intuitions – reminds me why the chances of this nation’s persisting much longer […]

Where To Live?

Here’s an interesting tool, if you’re young and looking for a place to raise a family: the Opportunity Atlas. It tells you what your income (and other) prospects are in different places, with filters for various categories of people.

Fools Rush In

The extinction of God creates a vacancy in that position.

Power Failure

Reuters reports that California will be having problems with its energy supply this summer: California says it needs more power to keep the lights on May 6 (Reuters) – California energy officials on Friday issued a sober forecast for the state’s electrical grid, saying it lacks sufficient capacity to keep the lights on this summer […]

Live By The Court, Die By The Court

Well, this SCOTUS leak about Roe v. Wade has really livened things up. I think we might even have a new Current Thing on our hands, and will now be moving on from Ukraine, which of course became the Current Thing right after … well, I can’t quite recall … but it was very important. […]