Monthly Archives: January 2022

Lights On!

We’ve had quite a storm today here on the far end of Cape Cod, and it’s still raging as I write (5:26 PM Saturday). All day long the northeast wind off the Atlantic has been ferocious, and the snow’s been falling (or more accurately, blowing sideways) at two to three inches per hour. I’m writing […]

Snow Day

It appears we are about to be blasted by the first serious winter storm of the season here in the Outer Cape – a potent nor’easter that’s undergoing “bombogenesis” as I write. The current predictions have us getting about two feet of snow between now and Sunday morning, with howling winds. I hope the power […]

The Pitch-Black Pill

I’ve just read an article at Substack, written by one N.S. Lyons (whose bio tells us only that he or she is an “analyst and writer working in Washington, D.C.”), listing twenty reasons why none of us should harbor any hope that we might at last be emerging from the collective insanity of Wokeness that […]

“An AIDS Of The Mind”

Following on that essay on “mass formations” at American Greatness, Bill Valicella’s reply to it at his place, and my own follow-up post from a few days ago, JM Smith has posted a substantial contribution to the discussion over at The Orthosphere. Professor Smith’s post brings to the conversation Gustave Le Bon’s 1896 study of […]

Wag That Dog!

The chattering classes are atip at the titillating prospect of a Russian operation into Ukraine. The appeal is obvious: above all, they can imagine a surge of patriotic cohesion, a nation united against a familiar external foe — the Russkies — that much of our colossal Deep State still misses with a poignancy that is […]

On “Mass Formation” In The Here And Now

Recently I published an essay at American Greatness about the idea of “mass-formation psychosis”, a concept that has gone “viral” after being discussed by Dr. Robert Malone in a widely viewed interview with Joe Rogan. (The interview was, within days, widely censored on media platforms — which is, we should note, relevant in itself.) The […]

Mythical Creatures

I saw this online today. I think it’s brilliant.

All Together Now!

A few days ago I promised to put up a post about “mass formation psychosis”, but it turned into an essay that I sent off to American Greatness instead, and has been published there today. I might reprint it here, after a decent interval, but for now I’ll invite you to go read it over […]

A Hatful Of Heresies

Having just had a commenter casually toss the execrable term “climate denier” into my comment-thread, comparing any dissent on climate policy and other such technically complex, politically charged topics to stubborn belief in a flat Earth, I thought I would draw your attention to a useful resource: a collection of thirty-one pages, each presenting useful […]

Point Deer, Make Horse

The astonishingly prolific Victor Davis Hanson observes Insurrection Day with a fine essay on just who constitutes the actual threat to the American Way. Read it here. If you are wondering, by the way, what the title of this post refers to, you can read the story of Zhao Gao over at Spandrell’s place, here. […]

There’s A Special Feeling In The Air Tonight

Well, tomorrow is January 6th, the anniversary of the greatest assault on civilization since the sack of Rome — and all of the good people in our news media, and all of our friendly Democratic politicians, are breathless with excitement thinking of the gifts this special day will bring. From Washington to Atlanta to New […]

Coming Apart

By far the most polarizing issue at the moment is the Wuhan Red Death, a.k.a. COVID — and things got sharply hotter over the past few days, when (as I’m sure you’ve heard) Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA-vaccine technology and one of the world’s foremost experts on vaccinations and disease outbreaks, […]