Monthly Archives: December 2021

OK, So That Was 2021

Best wishes to you all, and I hope we get some sanity back in 2022, though I won’t be betting on it. I’ll be revving up the blog in the New Year. I’ve been idle too long, and I’m starting to miss writing.

Merry Christmas!

All the best to each and every one of you — and thanks as always for coming by.


Following on yesterday’s post; here is OpenVAERS, which is a more easily accessible front-end for the VAERS data.

Vaccine Adverse Events, By Vaccine Type

Here’s a chart I requested from the CDC’s VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) website. (Keep in mind that these are totals for events from 1990 up to December 10th of this year, and that the COVID vaccines have only been around for 18 months or so.)  

A Mea Culpa, And Two Good Links

I must apologize again for having so little on offer here lately. We’ve been distracted by personal matters, but I’ve also felt I have very little of value to say that I haven’t already said. This is as much due to laziness and indiscipline as to anything else, though: not-writing has a momentum of its […]

Zemmour: A Ray Of Hope For The West

With thanks to Bill Keezer, here is a translation of a speech given by the Frenchman Eric Zemmour announcing his candidacy for President. May he prevail! My dear Countrymen— For years, the same feeling has swept you along, oppressed you, shamed you: a strange and penetrating feeling of dispossession. You walk down the streets in […]

Mass Murder In America

Here’s an item from Taki’s Magazine in which Steve Sailer discusses a new study of mass murder. The results will not, I think it is safe to say, be discussed in our major media outlets, or in polite society, anytime soon.


Sorry not to have been writing more. (Soon the Muse will nag me again, I hope.) So, instead: I bet you’ve never heard of Devin Townsend. Headphones on, and brace yourself.

It’s Stress!

From the UK Daily Standard: Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians These stories are popping up all over. I wonder if there’s something else that could be responsible…