Monthly Archives: March 2021

Service Notice

I know it’s been awfully slow around here lately. It will likely be that way for another few weeks, I’m sorry to say, and I may even take the blog offline for a brief interval. (If that happens, feel free to write me and I’ll explain; my email is still the same old obvious one.) […]

Stick The Fork In

From last night’s Grammy Awards: here is the state of American “culture”. A while ago I wrote that it is a sign of an ascending civilization that what is lower aspires to what is higher, while the reverse is true of a civilization in decline. In the golden age of Hollywood, eros was Fred Astaire […]

H.R. 1319

Off to the White House it goes. It will be signed into law by Friday, if Mr. Biden can still lift a pen. (The full text of the thing is here, if you have a strong stomach, low blood pressure, and a month or two to read it.) “When the people find that they can […]

Time Out

“The worst pain a man can suffer: to have insight into much and power over nothing.” – Herodotus