Shoot Me Now

Forgive me for two peeve-posts in the same evening, but I think I speak for all of us when I say that I have heard quite enough about Harry Reid and his “inartful” remarks about the former Senator Obama’s prospects for the Presidency. I am certainly no fan of Mr. Reid’s, but this is ridiculous: the man, for once in his career, actually manages to utter something both insightful and accurate, and the very flames of Hell rise to engulf him.

For two days now this idiocy has dominated the news, the same thing on every channel: panelist after dusky panelist, venting his or her partisan indignation across the split-screen at some Doppelganger of equal valence and opposite polarity. It’s all so depressingly, chokingly stupid.

Is this really it? Is this the best we can do? Really?? God help us.

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