Come, Thou Mortal Wretch

Well, we’ve spent far too much time lately dwelling on trivialities. Time for some serious news:

Snake Dies of Silicone Poisoning After Biting Model’s Fake Breast

With video! Here.

(Have to file this one under “Shameless Filler”, I think…)


  1. JK says

    Recall that little video I sent in the other day? The one featuring HAARP?

    What I didn’t include was a little description of an episode a friend of mine enjoyed by getting “sourced” as an expert by AOL News. It was back during the Great Beebe Birdkill Mystery.

    My friend happens to be a “serious journalist type” and gave a long-winded answer to a question posed by – I would suppose – a somewhat lazy reporter asking “What the heck happened with your birds?”

    Unfortunately for my friend – his long-winded reply got cut down to a snippet which then became part of a bigger article that contained a bunch of (what I imagine were snippets from others who may’ve included some actual ornithologists) stuff which concluded that the Birds of Beebe died “almost certainly” because of a UFO.

    A bunch of his friends [admittedly, me included] filled his inbox with various “congratulatory messages” concerning his “success” at completing his transformation from a journalist to a “recognized ornithological expert.”

    I thoughtfully later sent him an advisory to exercise caution when dealing with reporters from “certain” media organizations – at least that was my intent – it was difficult to type and guffaw simultaneously.

    My friend seemed to offer his mea culpa as Editor-in-Chief of the publication he chiefly serves as editor for in the lead article of the magazine – appropriately contrite and seemingly chastened.

    That resulted in another deluge of “congratulatory messages” for his inbox.

    He might’ve hesitated and saved some dignity had he read what I’ve copied and shall now paste from what appears beneath the video (which incidentally Malcolm – is longer no available due to some arcane YouTube rule concerning something called “veracity” – or somesuch):

    “Make your life more weird! Follow AOL…”

    But dammit – I’d still enjoy watching the yanked video.

    Posted March 15, 2011 at 5:37 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    You talking about that FEMA New Madrid video?

    It’s still up.

    Posted March 15, 2011 at 6:00 pm | Permalink
  3. JK says

    No. I wanted to watch a snake get breast fed.

    Posted March 15, 2011 at 7:48 pm | Permalink

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