The New York Times‘s omphaloskeptic opinionator Charles Blow has outdone himself in his latest column, in which he presents a gallimaufry of depressing (and unsurprising) statistics about the accelerating disintegration of the American nation and culture, then stands blinking in the rubble, as if to say “what happened”?
What has happened, Mr. Blow, is the triumph of everything you hold dear: diversity, secularism, multiculturalism, radical non-discrimination, porous borders, our infantilizing and paternalistic welfare state, the rejection of the wisdom of centuries — and the decoupling of folly, sloth, hedonism, ignorance, envy, improvidence and lust from the consequences thereof.
Blinking in the rubble is Mr. Blow’s job.
Charles Blow, absolutely must change his name to Joseph.
A better choice would be: Richard Edward Blow, AKA “Dick Ed” Blow.