Newton’s Third Law

Well! Good news from across the Big Ditch, as the “bunch of fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists” known as UKIP did very well indeed in yesterday’s elections.

Here’s a happy reaction from UK blogger ‘Anna Racoon’, in which she writes:

So peace finally reigns in the old ‘Muppet show’ studio ‘D’ at Elstree, from where the BBC broadcast the local election results during the night.

They were short handed – one of their senior editors, Jasmine Lawrence, had been removed from the team after tweeting “#WhyImVotingUkip – to stand up for white, middle class, middle aged men w sexist/racist views, totally under represented in politics today.”

She was almost right – UKIPs support is predominantly white, middle class men, retired men too. The main political parties have presided over the creation of a melancholy minority; men who grew up in the shadow of their heroic fathers, with no other opportunity to display their macho wares than trudging to work every day, paying their bills, guarding their children. Mundane tasks compared to saving the world from Naziism. Yet work they cheerfully undertook whilst rebuilding both the shattered economy and the shattered buildings of post war Britain.

They have been derided for their dedication to that task; undermined by Feminism, cast adrift from employment by a political elite that thought globalism was the way to go, impoverished by pension ‘raids’, and currently attacked by a legal system that cheerfully leaves them at risk of incarceration at the hands of any two hopefuls prepared to back each other as they seek to convince a jury that 40 years ago he ‘assaulted’ them. Against all this they must watch as a next generation of ‘White Dees’ claim £20,000 a year in benefits to support a champagne swilling lifestyle in Magaluf, and the streets fill with swirling figures in shalwah kameez whose human rights extend to cheerfully shouting ‘death to the infidels’ to passers-by.

Patrick Buchanan, in his latest column, had this to say:

What is happening in Europe?

In his unpublished “Leviathan and Its Enemies,” my late friend Sam Francis wrote of the coming crisis of the “soft managerial state,” of which the European Union is a textbook example.

Oswald Spengler used the word “Civilization” to describe “the terminal phase of a cultural organism,” wrote Francis. In 1941, Pitirim Sorokin described the characteristics of a Spenglerian “Civilization”:

“[C]osmopolitanism and the megalopolis vs. ‘home,’ ‘race,’ ‘blood group’ and ‘fatherland’; scientific irreligion or abstract dead metaphysics instead of the religion of the heart; ‘cold matter-of-factness’ vs. reverence and tradition and respect for age; internationalist ‘society’ instead of ‘my country’ and state (nation); money and abstract values in lieu of earth and real (living) values; ‘mass’ instead of ‘folk’; sex in lieu of motherhood … and so on.”

Between the managerial state and the civilization and culture that preceded it, the polarities are stark.

Yet they mirror the clashes of today as the European Union of Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman’s vision exhibits unmistakable symptoms of disintegration and decay.

In a way, this is remarkable.

For undeniably the rise of the EU has coincided with an unprecedented rise in the standard of living for the hundreds of millions from the Atlantic to the Baltic and from the North Sea to the Mediterranean.

Still, though Alfred Lord Tennyson’s “Parliament of man” and “Federation of the world” captured the imagination of 19th-and 20th-century one-worlders, the dream has proven incapable of capturing the hearts of European peoples. Who would die for the Brussels bureaucracy?

What are the identifying marks of these populist parties that have sprouted up now in almost every European country?

There is first the rejection of universalism and transnationalism, and a reversion to patriotism and its songs, symbols, holidays, history, myths and legends.

To peoples such as these, the preservation of the separate and unique ethnic and cultural identity of the nation supersedes all claims of supranational organizations, be it the EU or U.N.

This sentiment is reflected not only in fierce resistance to further integration within the EU, but in visceral hostility to further immigration from the Third World, Islamic world or Eastern Europe.

These people want to remain who and what they are.

We’ll see where all this goes; it may already be too late. But it’s good to see that the ancient peoples of the West still may still have a little fight left in ’em.

One Comment

  1. UKIP tops UK EU election with 24 seats, described as "far right"; Liberal Democrats win 1 seat, described as "mainstream." #thingsInotice— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) May 26, 2014

    Posted May 26, 2014 at 11:53 am | Permalink

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