Let It Burn

From our reader Bill Keezer comes a link to a piquant item by Richard Fernandez on the crumbling Obama presidency. There’s so much blood in the water now that even some of Mr. Obama’s most stalwart allies are swimming away as fast as they can, lest they be devoured too.

It’s even getting to the point, says Mr. Fernandez, where impeachment may soon be a realistic possibility, despite the Democratic majority in the Senate. For many on the Right, of course, ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. (And well earned.) But should it be?

Mr. Fernandez imagines what he might say if he were a Republican Senator about to cast the fatal vote:

“Not so fast, ladies and gentlemen. Not so fast.

“You’re thinking that based on my past opposition to the president’s policies and my political affiliation that I am certain to cast the convicting vote. But as I look at him now, shrunken, bewildered in the seat, I have to ask myself: who is really guilty of this crime?

“Is it him, or is it you guys watching this on TV? Who gave this guy Michael Jordan’s jersey, plotted the trajectory of his rise through has-beens and never-been opponents? Who fixed it so he had a book he didn’t write, got advances he didn’t deserve and Nobels he didn’t earn?

“Who is guilty? Maybe it is the same guys who are counting on me to ditch this man into the briny deep.

“Perhaps he deserves it. But so do the masterminds, the guys who set him up to take the bullet for the team. Wasn’t the unspoken price for the adulation, the Air Force One rides, the State Dinners the unspoken understanding that if the time came it could all be put on him? The Black Guy. Look into your leftist heart. You know it’s true. Wasn’t that the concession for allowing the rest of you to print the money, make the deals? The fact that one day this moment might come and he’d agree to pay the price from gratitude?

“And after we get rid of him, after a decent interval, aren’t we’re going to do again? This time with an historic Woman president, Asian president, Gay president? You really need never run out of Jonahs.

“But you see, I’m not going to vote for conviction. [murmur in the crowd]

“I vote to let him remain president. I’m going to stick him to you. Vote to let him remain in office knowing full well what a screw up he is. Knowing he’ll screw up again; sink your portfolios, bankrupt your industries, make such a mess of defending this country there’ll be blood in the streets and crowds are going to be looking for the guys who endorsed this man into office. He’s going to bring the whole thing down, and you with it.

“Because you see he was what he always was. That at least is his excuse. But you knew better, all you people. All you exquisitely educated, creased-pants people. You knew better and put this poor fool in office.

“I say let it burn.

“Because that’s the only way this time to bring it home. So that even if this age is ruined, at least succeeding generations of Americans will never forget that ”˜If we don’t hang together, by Heavens we shall hang separately’.

“Ladies and gentleman. You’re not getting rid of Barack Obama that easily. This time there are consequences, not from me, not from the Tea Party but from reality. God exists, ladies and gentleman. Or at least Murphy does. Consequences are a b**ch.’

Read the whole thing here.


  1. Fer shur, the revenge that Fernandez fantasizes about would be sweet as honey.

    Unfortunately, the reality-fly in this fantasy-ointment is the collateral damage to all those who warned of “this awful man – this grotesque incompetent, this subversive fraud, this preening and malevolent narcissist, this despiser of American tradition and implacable enemy of everything the U.S.A. was built upon and once stood for …”

    The extent of that collateral damage would generate so much bitterness that it would swamp the sweet revenge.

    Despite the glimmer of hopeful change, I remain disheartened by this most monstrous madness in American history — so far.

    Posted June 19, 2014 at 1:07 am | Permalink
  2. JK says


    Who’s teaching you your Hillbilly?

    I’m cognoscenti we’ve added nearly every single word you’ve put into your second paragraph save one.

    “Narcissist” which we, decided would most proabrably get confused with “Narwhal” which we undertook strident measures to do so not as being unduly accused as us hillbillies recognized the difference between a one-horned air-breather which was not a horse and a so-called (which tends to get hillbillies in trouble) “magic Negroponte.”

    Which either could be taken as a “John” or a “Nicholas” thus avoiding the inherent confusion.

    Hillbillies as we’re reckoning everbody and his or her brother (or dressed-down sister) recognizes sits high-standards 4 ourselfs. “Full flats ahead an damn the turdnadoes” is how we generally keep to our American History theme.

    Posted June 19, 2014 at 8:33 am | Permalink
  3. JK,

    In my second paragraph of my first comment, above, I was quoting Malcolm from his post “Forward!”. As for my Hillbilly teacher, why that would be you, JK.

    Posted June 19, 2014 at 11:15 am | Permalink

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