Science, Unsettled


May I also recommend to you an excellent book: The Neglected Sun, which makes a persuasive case that the effect on the Sun on Earth’s climate is significantly underestimated in mainstream climate models and the IPCC’s reports and predictions.


  1. Troy says

    Imagine the sun’s total output in all directions: up, down, forward, backward. And the Earth only receives an extremely tiny sliver of that output. Yet it is enough energy to have all this life on this planet. Which is an idea I find amazing.

    So, IMHO, it seems obvious that considering a sun has that much power, that it could have processes deep in its bowels that can and do have profound effects on our little planet. IF the sun farts, we are gonna know it.

    Posted July 12, 2015 at 10:37 am | Permalink
  2. Whitewall says

    It makes you wonder who owns the sun and how can that ownership be politicized to best serve the cause of “compassionate socialism”.

    Posted July 13, 2015 at 7:21 am | Permalink

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