A Monumental Precedent

Heather Mac Donald — whom, I am happy to say, I had the pleasure of meeting last night — weighs in here on the Left’s newest weapon in its “long march” through the institutions of our civilization. It’s a doozie, too: college athletics.


  1. coyote says

    the vandals are given another sacrifice to appease the circus… or, as moderns might say, “throw someone under that bus”. fewer and fewer columns remain in the crumbling edifice of our empire; soon, it will all come down. have you ever read jack vance “the last castle”?… a great retelling of the fall of empires; it basically shows how western civilization will be brought to its end the same as others before it.

    Posted November 10, 2015 at 9:22 pm | Permalink
  2. Whitewall says

    The sickness of the Left will infect every institution it hasn’t already destroyed. Maybe the initial saving grace is so much of this fascism they have spawned is caught on video.

    Posted November 10, 2015 at 10:37 pm | Permalink
  3. JK says

    Clever title there. Why just the other day I walked into my Missouri beer store and found myself in the thick of a discussion on this very topic. I ventured a thought

    “Well at least this time there’s no possible way the [college] administration can do as the players demand.”

    “JK? Listen to the TV, the guy [Wolfe] has thrown in the towel.”

    My exact response was, “This is a precedent they all [college athletics] will quickly come to regret.”

    Last night I found myself watching O’Reilly .. not at all often I do that. Billo had a segment featuring Kirstin Powers (I heartily recommend y’all try to pull up the clip). Miss Powers has apparently written a book, The Silencing or somesuch. I cannot recall verbatim one telling observation she made, something like;

    ‘There was this one young woman yelling, “I’m tired of people using their First Amendment Rights to disagree with us!” That sort of stuff .. getting disagreed with .. has racial overtones .. is gonna be bad.’

    Now I realize some of the regulars might have objections to what I just typed simply because Miss Powers is a Democrat, but in the words of one maverick;

    By the way, I admire the hell out of Kirsten Powers, even though she’s a Dem (why Lord, why?): she has beauty, brains, and (the female equivalent of) balls. And she puts up goodnaturedly with the sometimes obnoxious Bill O’Reilly. But I admire the hell out of him as well. That leftists despise a moderate such as him shows what contemptible extremists they are. [27 SEP 13]


    Counting myself among the regulars here I deem oh, something of “a privilege” – y’all sometimes might call me something of a heretic – f’instance I don’t mind overly One-Eyed exercising his First Amendment (but truth is, I use his diagrammable sentences for study).

    And I am geographical speaking, closer to the recent actions and I now follow what *the black press* has to say on these sorts of things – but I do wonder if any of the Mizzou … to borrow from another regular LB in this case calls, The Perpetually Traumatized “students” pay the same sort of attention.

    In another F’instance, I read a comment from another blog I’d call to the attention of, if any of the students do happen by;

    I have a confession to make. In recent years, and more prevalent in years gone by, the KKKs have been known for this, it’s one of their Trade Marks. Prior to this revelation, I honestly thought it had to be them. This is very rare for me, as most often, I usually try to analyze things from an objectionable [sic], fair and balanced point-of-view. I initially jumped the gun to claim otherwise, this was an error in judgment and for this, I am sorry to those who have always respected and admired my comments.


    Posted November 11, 2015 at 8:14 am | Permalink
  4. Whitewall says

    Good am JK. I trust you have been well? I read the same about Ms. Powers and agree. Though I don’t care for Bill O very much. Trouble is, there are many millions of Democrats similar to her…but they are silent at a time where silence may be deadly. Some of these Dems are my family. They aren’t fire breathing defective chromosome Leftists or even liberals. Just plain old Democrats. They have got to wake up and speak out.

    I do sense from the comfort of my NC home that there is a lot of back pedaling and retracting going on at U of Mo. last night and today? What we saw there and at Yale and elsewhere is a dangerous trend with little tyrants being used as pawns by bigger unseen tyrants with ugly agendas. And it was a black man that burned those St. Louis churches? Thank God for video. The Left never looks good on camera. Academia has brought this upon itself and now they are squirming. Good.

    Posted November 11, 2015 at 8:59 am | Permalink
  5. JK says

    And a Good am to you Whitewall too. A, if you will, vignette toward my enthusiasm for Billo: back in August I had to make a decision for a regular time to make a daily one hour duration phonecall – I chose 1900 Zulu (CS/DT).

    “Why that time JK” I hear you ask?

    “Nothing on TV particularly” I’d reply.

    They have got to wake up and speak out.

    I’d humbly suggest one other thing, Get acquainted with some fact-based knowledge. Yesterday, another place another subject, I ventured into a den of Democrats (although sadly my suspicion is *most* “in my neck o’the woods Republicans” would be in The Likewise River John – for those not up on Hillbillyianese [TBH?] a “river John” is a johnboat. Flat-bottomed so as to, in the skedaddles, not be so likely to tump over spilling overalled hillbillys where they’d likely get overtopped.

    Anyway getting back to yesterday. I was “called upon” to sketch out why Daesh wasn’t exactly a new phenomenon. There was alotta ignurnce in the barber shop I’m here to tell you Whitewall.


    I do sense from the comfort of my NC home that there is a lot of back pedaling and retracting going on at U of Mo. last night and today?

    Not quite yet. A “Journalism Professor” got piled atop the suttee late last night. “Success” generally speaking, “during the breeding time mostly births more success.”

    Thank God for video. The Left never looks good on camera.

    Trigger Alert!


    Posted November 11, 2015 at 10:48 am | Permalink
  6. pangur says

    These developments are good and should not be surprising.

    The more white people are exposed to the reality of black demands, the better. It’s too bad that people have to get hurt in the process (the Missouri football team’s record of rape is better than its record against football opponents), but that’s life.

    This isn’t really student activism, but whining about immaterial or nonexistent hardships. Haidt’s harm-based morality being carried to its natural conclusion. (The real complaint that the ringleader of the Missouri circus has is that the uni stripped grad students of healthcare due to the ACA.)

    These developments are good in part because academics and uni staff resigning over childish, hoaxed outrages (the shit swastika never happened) is the next step to academic reform.

    Posted November 11, 2015 at 12:23 pm | Permalink
  7. JK says

    I do sense from the comfort of my NC home that there is a lot of back pedaling and retracting going on at U of Mo. last night and today?

    And again Whitewall, not quite there yet. This time a Professor of nutrition and exercise.

    Tuesday’s controversial email to his Nutritional Science 1034 class said: “If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class. I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class.”

    [D.] Brigham was lambasted on social media and labeled a racist for wanting to hold class.

    Later Wednesday afternoon, Brigham wrote another email to his classes, apologizing for his “lack of compassion for students who felt unsafe.” He said when he wrote the initial message, he had “failed to understand the depth of fear that students may be experiencing” and “not aware of the Yik Yak threats.”


    (And nope – the news doesn’t come on for another 25 or so minutes – I haven’t a clue what “the Yik Yak threats” are.)

    Posted November 11, 2015 at 6:04 pm | Permalink
  8. Whitewall says

    JK, good grief! These profs have taken teenagers and transformed them back to children….at 30-40k a year. Gutless geldings. Academia deserves to reap what they have sown. Somebody needs to tell the brats “NO”.

    Posted November 11, 2015 at 7:56 pm | Permalink
  9. JK,


    Information is just a Google away.

    You heard it here first.

    Posted November 11, 2015 at 10:20 pm | Permalink
  10. JK says

    Thanks Henry. I figured some sort of US version of Facebook Revolution.

    But given how that turned out, along with the Arab Spring results, I was afraid.

    To Google I mean. Nor speculate.

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 7:40 am | Permalink
  11. Whitewall says

    Hmm… I sense “Chesterton’s Fence” in this–

    Elsewhere with all this turmoil on college campii, there may be cracks forming in one of the supports of The Cathedral?

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 8:20 am | Permalink
  12. Robert,

    Just a gentle FYI about the plural form of the word “campus” (from Wikipedia):

    The Latinate plural form campi is sometimes used, particularly with respect to colleges or universities; however, it is sometimes frowned upon. By contrast, the common plural form campuses is universally accepted.

    As I recently mentioned, words are my friends.

    Y’all be cool.

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 11:24 am | Permalink
  13. Malcolm says


    Elsewhere with all this turmoil on college campii, there may be cracks forming in one of the supports of The Cathedral?

    Good question. I think the answer is no (see today’s post).

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 11:43 am | Permalink
  14. Whitewall says

    Thanks Henrii. I need to brush up on my verbal accuracy I think.

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 1:31 pm | Permalink
  15. JK says

    I need to brush up on my verbal accuracy I think.

    Now why’n derhell wood chew doodat WW? S’onley fortothers I ‘casionally asort to puttin’ imposterfrees in on hera heppin the ‘casional Orstraylyian happenstance (an only sometimes the In-House Physikassist … fifafis. Whatefer) thet I find reetorts I cain’t diction out by bits.

    An asides, you want me feelin’ like more’n pieraya then I aready dew?

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 2:10 pm | Permalink
  16. Whitewall says

    JK, of course not! Somebody has got to show the flag for properly spoke “Middle English”. My challenge is that after 5 years of college way back when, I don’t want nobody nowhere thinkin’ I cain’t properly renunciate my words…darn it!

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 2:19 pm | Permalink
  17. JK says

    That’s the Spirit Whitewall!

    What hardly nobody gets is, Hillbilly whethers better’n diamonds.

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 2:40 pm | Permalink
  18. JK says

    @ Whitewall

    Returning to topic and, allusively (apologies to Hesiod) rather than inciting Henry to Wikipedia, go with champerty.

    Given the context of the post, its Latinate roots coming from the words campus and partem – it’s perfect.

    Or, as said at Mizzou (if they went to class) “We don’t need no stinkin plurality.”

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 3:21 pm | Permalink
  19. JK,

    The word “stinkin” requires an apostrophe to indicate omission of the letter “g” — stinkin’.

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 7:02 pm | Permalink
  20. JK says

    November 12, 2015 at 2:10 pm

    S’onley fortothers I ‘casionally asort to puttin’ imposterfrees in … (an only sometimes the In-House Physikassist … fifafis. …)

    Posted November 12, 2015 at 9:26 pm | Permalink
  21. antiquarian says

    Under what circumstances did you meet her?

    Posted November 17, 2015 at 8:36 pm | Permalink
  22. Malcolm says

    At a convivial gathering.

    Posted November 17, 2015 at 10:40 pm | Permalink

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