Duck Song

Among the most entertaining accounts on Twitter over the past year or so has been the reactionary heckler known to his audience as “The Duck” (@jokeocracy). With Twitter apparently getting ready to crack down on dissident-right accounts, the Duck decided to go out in blazing style, and spent a recent Sunday trolling mainstream, in particular “conservative”, journalists.

As expected, the Duck’s account was permanently suspended by the Twitter management when they showed up for work the next morning, and his oeuvre is no longer visible. But the flight-path of his kamikaze mission was recorded, and preserved for posterity, here.

The Duck gave a post-mortem interview with Radix Journal, which you can read here. I’ll excerpt one brief snippet, about the rise of Donald Trump (who has much support around the reactosphere, and is what is known in those circles as a “shitlord”):

[Interviewer]: In your opinion, how has the rise of Donald Trump galvanized what has come to be known as the “alt-right” on Twitter?

D: Trump recognized that the white working class had no voice in today’s American politics, and he’s become a rallying point for everyone who feels that the establishment needs to be torn down. His specific beliefs and policies are for the most part unimportant, he serves as a Schelling point for a deep anti-establishment feeling that has grown strong in the absence of any other permitted outlets to vent that emotion.

Yes, of course that’s it exactly.

At best, the situation in America today is like a computer that’s been left on for far too long, running thousands of buggy and leaky processes, with its firewall down and its anti-virus software disabled. At the very least, it must have a reboot, or it will soon crash. More likely, however, is that the national “hardware” no longer meets the system requirements of the original OS, as I explained here.

Meanwhile, if you feel the effects of your last red pill wearing off, and need to grab another fistful pronto, I’ll direct you as always to Nick Steves’ This Week In Reaction for a heapin’ helpin’.

P.S: A chain of links in Nick Steves’ digest led me back to this NRO piece from last spring. It’s as horrifying now as it was then.


  1. The one eyed man says

    Twitter is a private company which has the absolute right to terminate accounts at their sole discretion. Their terms of service explicitly prohibit harassment, violent threats, and hateful conduct.

    Your suggestion is that when someone flagrantly violates the rules – as this asshole has clearly done – Twitter should just ignore it?

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 5:22 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    Your suggestion is that when someone flagrantly violates the rules — as this asshole has clearly done — Twitter should just ignore it?

    Jesus, you’re twitchy, Pete. Where the hell did I “suggest” that?

    Twitter’s a private company, and can do whatever it likes.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 5:55 pm | Permalink
  3. Malcolm says

    Oh, and by the way, congrats on the big win in Iowa. Five tosses out of seven! Most impressive.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:07 pm | Permalink
  4. The one eyed man says

    Given that you approvingly cite the “entertaining” tweets he has been spewing, imply that his termination has something to do with a purported “crackdown on dissident right accounts,” and refer to his venomous tweets as an “oeuvre” – a term generally applied to works of value – an observer would be forgiven for thinking that you are applauding what this asshole is doing.

    I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have written that. I’m being unfair to assholes.

    I am glad to hear that you repudiate people who send childish and hateful “I hope you die” messages to people they dislike.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:08 pm | Permalink
  5. Malcolm says

    Oh, stuff it, Pete. And climb down off that moral high horse for once. The guy was — I’ll say it again — entertaining.

    If I posted some of the jokes you’ve sent me over the years, you’d be in the witness protection program.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:14 pm | Permalink
  6. The one eyed man says

    Thank you. I predicted that Hillary would win, and she won.

    As you probably know, the coin toss thing is an irrelevancy.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:14 pm | Permalink
  7. The one eyed man says

    If you think that sending Charles Krauthammer a tweet asking if he would prefer hanging or execution is entertaining, then I suggest you find worthier forms of entertainment.

    And no, I never sent you jokes anything remotely like that. Not to mention that sending jokes has nothing to do with sending someone a hateful, threatening, and abusive tweet directed specifically at them. What nonsense.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:20 pm | Permalink
  8. Meanwhile, here’s what The Duck had in store for the “incomparable” (according to Mr. Twitchy Twatchy) Teeth Dobermann:

    The Duckopoulos
    dear @KeithOlbermann president trump says you’re a loser and not even on TV so you didn’t make the cut for execution, sorry

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:25 pm | Permalink
  9. BTW, I think “didn’t make the cut for execution, sorry” is a guillotine pun, which I think qualifies as entertaining. It’s at least as clever as “generous to a fault”. And the trailing “sorry” is also a nice touch.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:38 pm | Permalink
  10. Furthermore, I did get this post- title’s reference to a swan. Kudos.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:45 pm | Permalink
  11. Malcolm says

    And no, I never sent you jokes anything remotely like that.

    Oh, stop clutching your pearls. If you mean that you never sent me an extended humorous riff on the imaginative ways Donald Trump would execute the journalistic elite, well, I grant your point. (A “threat” implies a credible warning of impending harm; obviously the Duck’s variations on an imaginary Lord Trump calling “Off with his head!” are nothing of the sort.) I don’t think you’d like me to post some of the jokes you have sent me over the years, however. (Not that I would; it would be ungentlemanly. And I enjoyed them.)

    That “debunking” of the hair’s breadth, coin-toss win had something of a desperate feel to it, methinks, but I won’t quibble. You’re right: she’s a juggernaut, just the sort of enlightened statesman the nation’s been longing for, riding a tidal wave of love to an inevitable triumph, etc.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 6:58 pm | Permalink
  12. Malcolm says

    Thanks, Henry. The titles are often the hardest part.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 7:05 pm | Permalink
  13. As if she wasn’t creepy-looking before …


    And who is that breathing down her neck and whispering, “I’m bigger than that”?

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 7:30 pm | Permalink
  14. JK says

    In OE’s defense I’d observe Hill’s at least familiar with the finer points of negotiation.

    Future US talks with the Mullahs’d likely go better with somebody knowledgeable enough to pen the tome, The Art of the Blowjob.

    Posted February 3, 2016 at 10:19 pm | Permalink
  15. Whitewall says

    “Duck Song” is turning out to be more informative than I first thought. I don’t do Twitter or any of the various social media venues like Face Book etc. But this Duck guy has one hell of a quick wit and sense of humor. Lately I have been aware of this fellow Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart News. He is one clever character and funny! He seems to have managed to make the Twitter gods wet themselves badly for some reason. Good for him!

    The Duck’s description of Trump-shitlord-makes more sense now–especially with the link back to Malcolm’s piece in October 2015. Personally, I can’t stand Trump as a person….but I do approve of his role and the need for it. And now I better understand the why. It seems my last “red pill” is wearing off, so this afternoon I will venture into Nick Steves’ Bistro.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 8:57 am | Permalink
  16. Whitewall says

    Wisconsin shows that when the American Left is stood up to, its natural Stalinism will be exposed. Push them harder. Return the favor when the time comes. It all never really ended in 1990. Just morphed and landed here in the “Democrat” party. Their tipping point was the 2000 loss in Bush-Gore. Now they speak English instead of Russian. Same m/o.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 2:16 pm | Permalink
  17. pangur says

    “Not to mention that sending jokes has nothing to do with sending someone a hateful, threatening, and abusive tweet directed specifically at them.”

    You’re crying about MEAN WORDS ON THE INTERNET. Could you be any more soft and weak? (Answer: yes, but it’ll take time.)

    This is today’s progressive, people: someone so mad about FEELINGS BEING HURT that he’s reduced to sputtering about “terms of service”.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 2:26 pm | Permalink
  18. Loki says


    Posted February 4, 2016 at 3:15 pm | Permalink
  19. Whitewall says

    Loki…that’s powerful. It made my comment over at This Week in Reaction look a bit pale.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 3:34 pm | Permalink
  20. JK says

    Yeah Whitewall, that Loki’s hard to beat but …

    How’s that One-Eyed … Whaddaya mean, “terms of service”?

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 8:20 pm | Permalink
  21. Troy says

    Thank you. I predicted that Hillary would win, and she won

    She took a 30 point lead and drove it into the dirt to a .3 point lead. And the next day she claims she had a sigh of relief. Obviously this women is an incompetent liar.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 10:19 pm | Permalink
  22. She may be an incompetent liar, but she sure is a pathological liar.

    Posted February 4, 2016 at 11:15 pm | Permalink
  23. Bob says

    You’re crying about MEAN WORDS ON THE INTERNET. Could you be any more soft and weak? (Answer: yes, but it’ll take time.)

    This is today’s progressive, people: someone so mad about FEELINGS BEING HURT that he’s reduced to sputtering about “terms of service”.

    They weren’t “mean words” though. They were implied death threats and what used to be known as “fighting words” before everyone became soft and weak. It’s not just progressives whining about mean words and insults that are soft and weak today, it’s also people making implied death threats and fighting words anonymously that are soft and weak. Death threats and fighting words are things you make and say to someone’s face, with the understanding and acceptance that you might not survive that encounter.

    Posted February 23, 2016 at 12:00 am | Permalink
  24. Malcolm says

    Death threats and fighting words are things you make and say to someone’s face, with the understanding and acceptance that you might not survive that encounter.

    Well, then, that’s not what the Duck did. He was just an anonymous Twitter comedian spinning an extended riff on the imaginative ways a newly minted tyrant might dispatch his political enemies. (Obviously nobody would seriously imagine that the Duck was actually planning to track down and execute the many dozens of prominent people he referred to — nor even that some nutjob, inspired by the Duck’s inflammatory “threats”, was actually going to track down, say, Jose Antonio Vargas, and “going to deport [him] in 195 pieces & send 1 to each foreign country so at least 1 piece will be right”.)

    One could almost imagine Gilbert and Sullivan offering us a despot like this.

    Posted February 23, 2016 at 12:20 am | Permalink
  25. Bob says

    That is what he did, and he perfectly well knows this and is smart enough to claim “performance art”.

    One doesn’t have to imagine. One knows that before we became soft and weak, these sort of implied death threats and fighting words were things you made and said to someone’s face, with the understanding and acceptance that you might not survive that encounter:

    Posted February 23, 2016 at 6:43 pm | Permalink
  26. You say tomato, Malcolm says potato. I say it’s a matter of opinion whether the Duck was joking or seriously implying death threats against a large number of well-known individuals. I am of the opinion he was joking. Otherwise, he would be seeking suicide by celebrity and most likely soon to be a dead duck.

    BTW, hasn’t dueling been frowned upon for roughly a century or so?

    Posted February 23, 2016 at 7:23 pm | Permalink

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