Thanks to Kevin Kim for bringing to our attention the World’s Stupidest Comment Thread. It includes such gems as:
When politicians say they are for Change but never explain what the change is we better all be careful. I think Adolf Hitler was elected in Germany on a platform of “Change”.
A lot of people have pointed out that Mr. Obama is a practicing muslim, but the thing that a lot of folks have yet to recognize is: sources have told me that Barack Obama is actually a Nazi. I have yet to confirm this, but his comments about terror, Mitt Romney and others seem to lean that direction. Am I saying that he wants to burn the entire Jewish race? I haven’t seen any comment from him on that topic, one way or the other. But his stance of pro muslim, pro terror and anti israel politics seems to indicate as such.
*Update: if you’re just reading this for the first time, you’re too late. The whole comment thread has been taken down, I’m sad to say. -MP
Speaking of McCain being a liberal–CNN had him identified in one of their newscasts as a Democrat (D-Az). Giggle.
Thanks for the mention, Malcolm. It was a bit like discovering lost pirate treasure.
Not at all, thanks for the find. It’s pure gold — as stupid as they come.