Regular visitors to these pages will know that, in sharp contrast to the shallowness and frivolity of most weblogs, we concern ourselves here only with serious matters of the utmost philosophical import and urgency. In particular, we know that many of you turn, sometimes in bleak existential despair, to waka waka waka as place where you can join, with like-minded others, in a pertinacious and undeviating effort to get at life’s real meaning and purpose, and to unravel the world’s knottiest enigmas.
Well, friends, I am afraid you are never going to make much progress until you have spent a late-summer Sunday afternoon listening to the Incredible Casuals rattle the rafters at the Wellfleet Beachcomber.
Here’s your humble correspondent following this arduous road to Truth, this estival hajj, earlier today:

The Casuals (peace be upon them) have been enlightening seekers at the ‘coma every summer Sunday for 29 years now, but to receive their special brand of baraka, you’ve got to make the trek to the sandy bluff overlooking Cahoon Hollow Beach; I’m afraid this is one mountain that isn’t going to come to Mohammed.
Ye three wise ones are looking rather glassy-eyed despite your obviously sunny dispositions. Especially thou, Malcolm. I take it that the music was smokin’.
Jeffery Hodges
* * *
I now see the answer to your obviously mysterious powers; yellow sunglasses!