Which way is she spinning? Are you able to get yourself to see her going the other way?

This thing drives me crazy. Sometimes I can reverse it at will, other times it seems quite impossible. Forgive me if you’ve seen it before; it’s been around for a while. I just ran into it again, and thought I’d spread the irritation.
She’s spinning?! I thought that I was.
Not that it takes much to make my head spin — even a shapely silhouette can do the job.
Jeffery Hodges
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Seriously, though – which way is she spinning? Can you get her to switch?
She spins back and forth and seems to be in charge of that, too. I don’t control her.
Jeffery Hodges
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Argh. She’s been in both directions but I can’t will her to change. Dammit.
I do these types of exercises for OT with the POTS Syndrome and loss of brain function-do math problems in your head and she spins one direction. Think of what you want to say to Malcolm or imagine redecorating and she will spin differently.
That’s why they have me doing so much music therapy-Piano, drums, guitar, and voice lessons.
Music incorporates so much of the whole brain.
I just noticed something about how I can manage to change the direction – glance downward – works everytime (for me).
Oddly, looking in any direction other than directly downward doesn’t change anything.
I almost did it, and it has to do with how you interpret the leg–in front or in back in a given direction.