Matt Yglesias comments at Slate on the three realistic prospects for the Eurozone: disintegration, German domination, or… actual democracy.
As Mr. Yglesias points out, creating a unified, pan-European democratic republic would be a very “tall order”. As for German domination, my memory’s not as good as it once was, but it does seem to me that there was already some problem or other with that, a while back.
Meanwhile, over at Gates Of Vienna, Baron Bodissey writes:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says that Eurozone member states that do not stay within budgetary rules will face a partial loss of national sovereignty. Yet any country that submits to the EU’s budgetary restrictions has already lost part of its national sovereignty. That’s some catch, that Catch-22!
It sure is!
Finally, (with a hat tip to our friend David Duff) here’s UKIP’s Nigel Farage, speaking plain truth to smirking power. It won’t accomplish anything, but I have to admit it does give one rather a Chris-Matthews-style thrill up the leg.
Wow, that Farage guy is great.
You see?
The guy was so delightfully in-your-face and blunt that it made me think of when Churchill was upbraided by a woman for being drunk.
“Yes, madam, but you’re ugly, and tomorrow I’ll be sober.”