There’s an ad on my local news-radio station that’s been playing for years. It’s for one of those personal-injury law-firms. Now I have nothing against such firms, and they surely serve a just and necessary purpose in bringing succor to those wrongfully harmed. But there’s one line in this commercial that jumps out at me every time I hear it:
“Just because you’re a victim doesn’t mean you have to suffer!”
It occurred to me that this, in a nutshell, sums up the ideal status in the contemporary liberal West: a new, post-modern victim-hood, which confers upon the bearer both emancipation from responsibility for one’s circumstances and entitlement to compensation — yet without the burden of actual suffering, which of course has until now been the very essence of victimhood, and what made us pity victims in the first place.
Love could kill,
The totall and brutall egoism in the hearts of dream castle of love.
Exactly what I was thinking, Tibor.