OK, folks, ready for the big debate?
The good people at RebelPundit.com have given us tonight’s drinking game. Here it is:

Bottoms up!
OK, folks, ready for the big debate?
The good people at RebelPundit.com have given us tonight’s drinking game. Here it is:
Bottoms up!
I wonder. Reckon the VA knew something I didn’t when they scheduled my annual physical?
Prostate’s fine incidentally. Female doc this time though – I think she enjoyed her work. Not much chit chat.
I was sure looking forward to getting totally blasted last night and would’ve (I’d bought enough beer to way way surpass last year’s record) except Malcolm went and posted the night’s rules.
Romney was in my corner cheering me on – Obama, not so much. But in the end it came down to those damned “Special Rules.”
Number Two was especially bad but mainly on my temperament. Lifting my drink over and over repeatedly but without allowance for actually drinking – well, my head doesn’t hurt in the least however my drink-raising arm is killing me.