In case you missed it:
Verizon forced to hand over telephone data
Long ago, Charles Dickens wrote this about the United States:
I believe that the heaviest blow ever dealt at Liberty’s head will be dealt by this nation in the ultimate failure of its example to the earth.
That tears it! Next time, I’m voting for Hope and Change!
Nothing new this time.
I’ll say this, Dom – Obama is finally looking like a “uniter” at last.
heh heh.
Holy Overreach Batman!
Sorry. Didn’t bother with your link Malcolm. I’ve seen the original “request for authorization” but it’ll take me a bit to find a reliable (open source) link.
Well now. I see the AP reports on how much more extensive this pogrom is than even the measly Verizon thingie is.
FOX shoulda contacted me far back as 2008.
Heck, anybody shoulda been able to “connect the dots” if they ever heard of a Fusion Center.
This is “just” journalists.