It was 45 years ago today that the philandering, corpulent drunkard Teddy Kennedy drove his car off a bridge in Chappaquiddick, got himself to safety, and abandoned the young Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in the wreckage.
The affair likely cost him the Presidency, but little else. If there is any justice in the hereafter, he’s paying the balance now.
Some of you will be old enough to remember a Volkswagen ad that ran in the National Lampoon some time later. For those of tender years, I reproduce it below:

Funny, but the event seems to have been erased from the memories of the folks in charge at ABC News. Blimpy’s cowardly act went unmentioned in this evening’s edition of World News with Diane Sawyer. But we’re not surprised, are we?
Who would be brave enough to make an ad like this nowadays?
(Even as a parody?)
Great ad.