In a recent column, Thomas Sowell asked: Is thinking now obsolete?
Perhaps it is. Read this label:

This is the sort of blithe and cheery obliviousness that carries me to the brink of despair.
In a recent column, Thomas Sowell asked: Is thinking now obsolete?
Perhaps it is. Read this label:
This is the sort of blithe and cheery obliviousness that carries me to the brink of despair.
Get with the program Malcolm, everything is prettier and better in pink;-) What are you a misogynist, doubting the magical power of pink… I have some Himalayan Pink Salt and Water Lily fragrance hand soap by my kitchen sink, as we speak. The ingredient lists plain old sodium chloride.
Wikipedia offers: “The chemical composition of Himalayan salt includes 95—96% sodium chloride, contaminated with 2—3% polyhalite and small amounts of ten other minerals. The pink color is due to iron oxide.”
Yes… one does have to wonder how the concepts “pure” and “mineral content” go together. I’ll note, too, that the final sentence very likely contains a dangling modifier. An a-salt on the senses.
It’s ideologically pure, not chemically pure.
… it has spent millennia meditating in the heart of the Himalayas. Greed and avarice it has never let enter its soul. Privilege, oppression, and racism are unkown to it.
To be serious though, clearly they have in mind that it is uncontaminated by anything subsequent to its formation.
You could say the same about a ranch-flavored Dorito.
I think you nailed it above, Harold: it’s ideological purity we’re looking at here. What do we think of when we think of Tibet? Oppression, of course. And the stuff is made even purer by its commitment to multicolored, mineralic diversity.
And it’s pink.
Thanks for this insight, which I think actually should be taken with more than a grain of salt.
“commitment to multicolored, mineralic diversity”, of course, why didn’t I think of that. And, yes, it’s pink, but also has hues of red and white, these colors being described, of course, as “vibrant”. And here I have been using monochromatic white salt with some sort of Nazi-esque commitment to chemical purity. I feel both ashamed and un-enriched.
Meanwhile in California …
We not rich like y’all … We outta verbs.
Himalayan salt comes from Pakistan, not Tibet.
Even worse, if true. The package just says “heart of the Himalayas”, which certainly isn’t Pakistan.
When any ordinary person hears “heart of the Himalayas”, it’s Tibet that’s naturally going to come to mind. If it really is Pakistan this stuff is coming from, then the labeling is clearly a cheap attempt to cash in on Tibet’s romantic image, and its high-value victim status.
Boy, this thing just gets worse and worse.
Jebus, Pete, you’re right. From Wikipedia:
And I thought we were just dealing with stupidity here. It’s always such a shock when you come face to face with pure evil.
But the label says “Himalayan Pink Salt comes from the heart of the Himalayan Mountains” – meaning far from.
Jeffery Hodges
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I would think that most people would associate Nepal as the “heart of the Himalayas,” as that is where people go to trek them most often.
Re 300km from the actual Himalayas: fudging mountains is nothing new. When the transcontinental railroad was being built, private developers refused to bear the risk of putting rail lines through the Sierras, so the government was forced to subsidize them to get it built. They passed a law to support railroad construction starting at the foothills. The developers lobbied successfully to have the foothills start at Roseville, California, which is 164 feet above sea level, and the start of an eighty mile, very gradual ascent. For this they were called “the men who could move mountains.”
Nepal, Pakistan, whatever. But Pakistan? Yeesh.
These people make those railroad barons look like the Knights of St. John.
“Welcome to Costco, I love you.”
It’s also about 6 bucks an ounce. Morton’s iodized table salt is around a dollar for 26 ounces. Sigh…