I won’t comment on Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress tomorrow, other than to note that President Obama has nothing on his public schedule at 11 a.m., and that the boycott of the address by the Congressional Black Caucus and other Democrats is not something they ought to be particularly proud of. (My own representative, Yvette Clarke, whose Brooklyn district awkwardly includes lots of blacks and lots of Jews, says she is “conflicted”. I wonder why.)
(Related: this.)
I’ve said already that I do not think that Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in 2016, and that I do not even think she will be the Democratic nominee. Among the reasons I listed recently was “too much baggage”. In today’s news it appears there may be yet another valise for the porter to handle.
In recent days we’ve commented on the FCC’s Internet takeover (see here and here). Here’s a brief item from John Fund that might be of interest. (Trigger warning: right-leaning commentary.)
Here’s something I haven’t had time to get my head round yet: apparently some physicists have published a paper arguing that quantum ‘weirdness’ can be accounted for in a classical model after all. See here, here, and here. (We may end up asking our commenter Henry, who is a physicist, to unpack this for us.)
I’ve been away from the Outer Cape since late January (for business and medical reasons), and just got back late last night. (The drive, which usually takes five hours or so, took nine-and-a-half hours this time, thanks to heavy snow on I-95.) The far end of the Cape, which is usually relatively mild in the winter and doesn’t get a whole lot of snow, has been absolutely buried in the stuff this year, and due to the unusual cold, the bay and harbors and inlets are choked with ice. Here are a few photos taken today:
The tidal flat at Lieutenant Island:

The little one-lane bridge on Lieutenant Island Road (passable only at low tide):

The path over the dune to Duck Harbor:

Chaotic ice at Duck Harbor:

The town harbor, low tide:

Gosh that looks cold.
“Business and medical reasons”.. are all in good shape now?
Yes, thanks. Just some examinations.
I love Wellfleet in the springtime, I love Wellfleet in the Fall, I love Wellfleet in the Winter………
Gwen! Nice to see you here.