In the comment thread to a post published back in February, I made a little wager with our erstwhile liberal gadfly ‘The One Eyed Man’ that Hillary Clinton would not only not be the next President of the United States, but that she would not even end up being the Democratic nominee. The stakes: a good bottle of whisky.
At the time I offered a list of reasons Mrs. Clinton wouldn’t make the cut: too old, too sick, too unprincipled, too incompetent, too dishonest, too nasty, too much baggage. I thought that any one of these might be sufficient, and that the inevitable combination of them would present an insuperable obstacle to her imperious ambitions.
Events now appear to be bearing me out. In particular the focus, for now at least, is on “too unprincipled”, “too dishonest”, and “too much baggage”. That email-server business was bad enough, but now the muckraking author Peter Schweizer has published a book, called Clinton Cash, that details the web of intrigue and influence linking Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, a large and tenebrous network of foreign and corporate interests, and great rivers of money that flowed toward the Clinton’s coffers the way the Mississippi seeks the sea.
To have Peter Schweizer making these charges would be worrisome enough for Mrs. Clinton’s prospects, but even the New York Times has now put its weight behind the story. Frankly, it’s looking pretty bad (and that’s because it is pretty bad). I have the feeling that the Clinton candidacy may already be tottering. The next few weeks should be interesting — and if I’m not mistaken, enormously enjoyable.
Peter, once the dust settles, I think a bottle of Highland Park 15 will do the job nicely. You have my address.
If, like me, you are superstitious, then whenever you make a “chickens before hatched” prediction, you need to follow up with a “don’t tempt the fates” incantation ASAP:
Say “kinehora” and spit 3 times (towards the left, of course).
I have been told that it also helps to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder and dance an Irish jig.
80 bucks for that Highland Park 15.
It’s that good. The person who is going to buy it for me can afford it. (Of course, should Mrs. Clinton actually become the nominee, I’ll be as beneficent.)
If Obama represents the “boil” that is the symptom of the Left, then surely Hillary represents its contents.
Let’s be perfectly clear about the “contents” of a boil — it happens to be pus. Ironically, pus (N.B., only one “s”) is opaque.