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Malcolm, I thought that you might have objected to our slightly risque frivolity. Admittedly, it is very indulgent but quite spontaneous, and probably difficult to confine to a weekly feature.
JK, in particular, is unlikely to conform to the new rules. Is his bit the “bibulous logorrhea”? Mine is most certainly idle chat and confessions of the heart. I love you all!
JK, Am I to spend all night alone in the naughty corner?
“bibulous logorrhea”? Hmm, I’ll have to look that up. My first impression is some sort of digestive disorder…
I imagine that “bibulous logorrhea” is better than “rumbustious borborygmi.”
Oooohh…. ‘rumbustious’. Nice word.
Eau Cointreau Musey, I’m actually the most likely to conform.
Depends on the venue of course, but here … well, this isn’t Baltimore.
My virtue (especially around you Musey) is that I’m wretchedly reduced to expressing, and then distantly – Arkansas is about as distant from Australia as any other two points on the planet – to “Roundabout Phrases.”
That was from the Onion:
I haven’t read Maverick P in a few weeks. That is a great title. The Onion is always good for parody, but at times, it aren’t parody no more.
I do believe nothing can kill off liberalism quicker than an institution of liberals, run by them and for them.
See also this, from the Columbia Spectator.
Yup. But the link was Maverick Philosopher. Bill V having some propensity to stick To Stick to Essential Truth.
Good thing Bill isn’t likely to land here:
Sticky Wicket as is said.
Having now read Malcolm’s link;
JK, I can see that you have put up a link to Bob Dylan but I can’t play it. Maybe it’s regional restrictions. Anyway, I’ll try to look it up.
It’s good that you will conform to the new rules. It must be all the army training that makes you a respecter of authority. I will also try to be good on Malcolm’s blog. It shouldn’t be too difficult because I was always a goody two shoes when I was at school, unlike my sister who was continually under threat of expulsion. These days she’s a well known, very wealthy business woman and I’m not!
From Malcolm’s link:
Yeah. Except for, you know, students of the Jewish persuasion.
It wasn’t like that when I was doing my graduate studies there in the 1960s. But it’s an anti-semitic cesspool now, as is my undergrad alma mater, Cornell.
Leftist scum.
Musey you’ll be after all it’s simply “Making Hay While the Sun Shines” be in … well – this could be you’n me
& Maybe this one on the off-chance
You’ll Musey know then
You’ll be Musey, staying closer to Memphis than, you’d be ordinarily to Mobile?
Same’s same though – Henry doesn’t think Arkies rcognize The Onion even when, there’s not a consonant intercessional.
I had read Bill V’s post before you mentioned it above. I was pointing out that Bill V had heard about it from somebody named Spencer Case, and that it had originated from the Onion.
I know my friend.
I was just troubled you might consider Arkies in general, me specifically, unaware there’s an Onion in this world.
That outta the way Henry – admitting I didn’t reckon it’d take so long, what say you (aware you’re a multiple of zero of my sum on Cricket) … don’t know Henry you’re doing work on Dark Matter but you did notice Bill V’s original, “I am tempted to go Hillarious:”
And you being a Physicist Henry thought maybe it’d re-wire me off all people .. or one of at any rate .. needed expatriated Henry explaining Bill V couldn’t be playful?
Open Threads being almost as much fun as redoing a classic knob & tube.
(No Musey. Not the same thing as you’d be naturally inclined.)
JK, I am totally familiar with knob and tube wiring and it’s potential hazards.
Knob and tube. I first thought that was a comedy act but then remembered my growing up years in the 50s and 60s. All our homes had that wiring. The neighborhood I grew up in became what is now fashionably known as an Historic District.
The Columbia Spectator. What a sad spectacle of cosseted children needing protection from “triggering” mechanisms. I guess the anti Western Civ. movement is moving at high speed. The true purpose of the college experience used to be liberal inquiry in the traditional meaning of liberal. Now the purpose of college seems to be sensitivity training. Academic rigor is now replaced by fear of bruising someone’s feelings.
Heaven help these budding Maoists after they leave school and face the real world. Better yet, a year or two of living and working in some of the backwaters of the Eastern World might be the antidote to the rot they learned at too many Western colleges from moldy Marxist teachers.
Nothing will destroy liberalism faster than liberals in charge of it. Sometimes I think the best political course of action is to let the Left have its way until they turn on each other and kill themselves off. Politically I mean. Well, I have seen first hand during my younger years that they do a pretty good job of it- literally too. Those third world backwaters were very instructive to me.
Don’t know it qualifies Whitewall, as third world or even, for that matter a backwater.
I’m talking about the CNN studios but it was oh instructive – I guess.
Female newsreader/commentator posed to the two ‘guest commentators’ “Was the thing in Baltimore a racist thing?”
Gotta tell you Whitewall, I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people (not engaged in a sexual act) tie themselves into such knots. The CNN lady like me, just sat and watched. I worried she wasn’t gonna be able to go to commercial.
Well, I’ll be …
In all my years I had never come across the expression “knob-and-tube wiring”. At first glance, I thought it was a reference to vacuum-tube electronics. But then I googled it …
And here I thought I already knew everything! :)
Henry, according to Musey, knob and tube wiring may be all the rage Down Under? It was common here way back when but it can be problematic especially with age….of the wiring I mean.
JK, CNN is basically struggling with sanity these days. I didn’t see the clip as I wrote them off near the end of Gulf War 1.
I’m quite the EMT Bending Artiste’ (if I do say so myself) and I always did my best making my panelboards/switchgear conduit entrances things to be goggled over in awe – by other Benders of course.
(Got an award from Disney for a designed exposed raceway for a store once.)
But the most beautiful thing I ever saw (mind, in purely the Electrician As Installator sense) was a knob and tube installation I’d been called to inspect after a lightning strike.
I have to own up, and admit, that I had no clue about knob and tube wiring. I looked it up. As far as I know, it isn’t all the rage here.
Clearly, I also have no clue about the correct use of the apostrophe. Missing out an apostrophe is annoying but understandable, but putting one on where it doesn’t belong is perverse.
Perverse as scoring for a stick flute?
I have to own up, and admit, I was gonna go with another wind instrument but I didn’t know how to spell it.
Clearly, I have no clue about the correct use of a didgeridoo. And now I listened to eight seconds of a four minute YouTube putting one anywhere is perverse.
Putting one in not “on”. It is perverse that I don’t check before I press send.
Sorry JK, you’ve lost me again but I can tell you that you blow into a didgeridoo and it makes a horrible sound. Listening for eight seconds is a feat of endurance, so congratulations.
Whitewall, I always imagine that everyone will realize that I am joking. The chances of me being au fait with the workings of anything electrical are very slim indeed.
JK, I can play the flute and the clarinet, also the piano a little.
Malcolm, my search for a serious topic to discuss continues but for now, my idle chatter is at an end so thank you for your patience:)
Maybe a couple “other weeks” Malcolm’d be about right.
Musey I understand not recognizing serious knob and tube and how the artiste’ (sorry Musey, but now I’ve looked up the alt-code, `you’ll be forgiving me for .. as I understand it ..”lost you again” .. you’ll recover whole and sound?
I figure Musey you’ll be happy indeed to hear earlier tonight I got released (*fired) for not being “a team player.”
Which – as my participation being nearly so much elliptical on these Western Threads as it was the GCC Advisory decided me not “a team player” only an Aussie could possibly appreciate.
Eight seconds of listening for you Musey (the clarinet promised to come in later … but I, not the patience
You notice what I’ve just done Musey? And chewing my Arkie hindquarters like you is a Punctulatarianist up to Miliband standards?
(Is – being locale are – properly speaking for me, grammatically correct. You Musey however speaking HRH English, despite your clarinet, flute and questionable piano are reasonably suspect.)
I hear that, WW, albeit only when you shout it.
Aging is not for sissies, my friend. But it sure beats the alternative.
Better to be “over the hill” than under it.
Amen to that, bro.
JK, I’m really sorry to hear that. What a rotten lot they are, not realizing that original thinkers like you are invaluable and irreplaceable. If you were closer I’d have you round for dinner. Now there’s a lucky escape!
If you want me to write to you I’m happy for Malcolm to give you my email address.
It’s official (i.e., the “science is settled”): I have a temporary reprieve from old age! Until further notice, you must refer to me as middle-aged Henry.
From JK’s last link:
Smart business move. Because Bill.