Just a few topical ones:
‣ Patrick Buchanan (pre-Greek-referendum-result) on the E.U.’s worsening cohesion.
‣ Milton Friedman saw this coming.
‣ Dark Independence-Day ruminations by Dymphna.
‣ Your tax dollars at work (well, if you live in Oregon’s Gresham-Barlow school district).
If Dymphna’s piece is so then let this bulging boil be lanced quickly, the mess cleaned up, new leaders displace old ones and begin rebuilding. The uber rich can either take to their lets and run or stay and help rebuild a better country.
A summary is found on http://www.instapundit.com, but the entire piece is worth the read–
I see Maverick Philosopher picked up on this as well…http://maverickphilosopher.typepad.com/maverick_philosopher/2015/07/a-case-against-withdrawal.html