For years we’ve been told that dietary fat is bad for us, and that we should avoid it. Of course not everyone was saying this, but it was one of those “consensus” things, where dissenters were hectored and sneered at by those in the mainstream, and the government applied what pressure it could to enforce conformity. (You can probably think of another familiar example.)
Lo and behold! It seems the science might not have been as “settled” as we thought.
Next thing you know tobacco will actually be good for you…In the morning I will have fried smoked sausage, scrambled eggs mixed with feta cheese scrambled in some of the left over sausage grease. Then I will have my Cheerios in whole milk along with buttered toast. It’s good to feel all American all over again.
Watch the Cheerios WW, I hear there’s a gluten-containing batch out there not good for anybody with the Syriac – which I guess includes everybody in SE Europe and soon Merkel’s Germany.
Oldest Person on Earth Reveals Her Secret to a Long Life: Eating Bacon Every Day!