Something is Happening Here, But You Don’t Know What It Is

Well, maybe some mainstream conservatives are actually beginning to. Here, for instance, is Rod Dreher, rising from the fainting couch (h/t to Porter):

The media have soft-pedaled this thing, but when it gets right down to it, all the diversity rhetoric in the world is not going to matter when a man recognizes that in voting Democratic for president, he is voting for a party that wants to send mentally disturbed males into his daughter’s locker room, and call it justice.

Eventually, the provocations of Social Justice Warriors, especially when they are race-based, is [sic] going to empower the militant whites, especially those drawn to pagan masculinity, and they are going to do what the rest of us would not do: Fight. This, because the best ”” that is, those who want peace, civility, and tolerance ”” lack all conviction to defend the conditions under which we can have those things against their enemies… White liberal middle-class society and many bourgeois conservatives have demonized within themselves, collectively and individually, the instinct that would have given them the strength to fight civilization’s enemies on the Left and on the Right.

Eventually? Welcome to the future, Rod. It’s just starting now.


  1. djf says

    Who are these “militant whites”? Biker gangs? Middle-aged hunters? What chance does Dreher think they stand against the government?

    It’s easy to blame the GOP establishment and the conservative intelligentsia for the failure of the political opposition to Obama, but the white middle class and working class are blameworthy for being so inert that they cannot generate their own intelligent political leadership when the existing GOP leadership failed them. Instead, they have turned to a celebrity messiah with no coherent plans for his administration, who talks incessantly about his poll numbers, and who has said he has no problems with co-ed bathrooms. Oh, but he will force department stores to say “Merry Christmas” again.

    Posted May 25, 2016 at 9:27 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says


    That nothing happened for a long time doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot of energy seeking release; the recent acceleration of Progressive pressure has greatly increased the tension at the fault-line. The plates may be starting to slip. Trump is just a foreshock.

    I don’t know where you live, but when you get out of the coastal cities the mood among the pallid Vaisyas is growing very dark.

    Posted May 25, 2016 at 10:47 pm | Permalink
  3. djf says

    I live in New York City, but I spend enough time on the right blogosphere to get the picture that the mood in Middle America is dark (as is my own mood). I just can’t see any effective response – within the system or out of it – on the horizon. We are talking about a class of people that has not demonstrated a potential for effective organized collective action for generations. Admittedly, the unexpected and unprecedented sometimes happen, so, as always, I could be wrong.

    Posted May 25, 2016 at 11:49 pm | Permalink
  4. Whitewall says

    An interesting link and story. First off, that link to the Orthodox male choir pleased me as I have for a long time enjoyed that type of music and singing. I don’t speak any Slavic languages but I can feel the immense power of the basso profundo in all its simplicity and straightforwardness. That photograph and that hymn are the first up in my catalog of such music. Amazing coincidence. By the way, my wife sort of likes a bit of that singing too. I sense it touches part of the “inner female”. For me, I sing-roughly- between decent baritone and difficult bass depending on how I feel at the time. My wife approves of my voice too, even though untrained.

    Posted May 26, 2016 at 7:30 am | Permalink
  5. Whitewall says

    “Welcome to the future, Rod. It’s just starting now.” Sometimes the start of a major event is not easy to pin point, it just unfolds in stages. Last weekend, western Europe had a wake up call with the Austrian national elections where the “far right” candidate came within a half percent of winning over the Green candidate. The left celebrated but then there was a rethinking of circumstances. The Austrian left, the European left and the American left have all lost the working middle class and its “tyranny of the middle class”. The Left seems glad of it and why not when they can use every conceivable minority group and victim group available to form their own “new majority”. Hence we have Trump and Sanders to a lesser degree.

    I didn’t detect from Dreher’s piece a “tribal” revolt against government so much as a revolt against the violence of Left wing groups where it will be necessary to give them back their own medicine. That scenario will be a shock to the American public who has become accustomed to seeing lefty violence on screen and the cops dealing with it. “Tribal” rightist payback will look a bit different and will begin with some of “those people” that most of us don’t want to be associated with. Everyone will assume “those people” are going to be here in the South where I live–NC. Maybe and maybe not. Masculinity is not limited by borders and it will have its revival.

    Posted May 26, 2016 at 8:36 am | Permalink
  6. pangur says

    Dreher — a man so uncertain of his identity that he has switched religions multiple times — is probably unaware that his own cucked views are symptomatic of the cultural problems we face.

    Posted May 26, 2016 at 12:12 pm | Permalink
  7. Malcolm says


    I just can’t see any effective response — within the system or out of it — on the horizon. We are talking about a class of people that has not demonstrated a potential for effective organized collective action for generations. Admittedly, the unexpected and unprecedented sometimes happen, so, as always, I could be wrong.

    Think of a superheated liquid.

    Posted May 26, 2016 at 3:25 pm | Permalink
  8. djf says


    I think I follow your analogy. I guess we’ll eventually find out if its valid.

    Posted May 26, 2016 at 11:39 pm | Permalink
  9. djf says

    BTW, Malcolm, I don’t think anyone else has categorized Rod Dreher as a mainstream conservative, even when he was writing for National Review (now quite a few years ago).

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 12:52 am | Permalink
  10. djf says


    I just learned that, last night, the “Republican” House passed a bill that included an amendment enacting Obama’s transgender bathroom diktat into the US Code. Of course, Ryan could have prevented the amendment from coming to the floor, but why would he? He’s on Obama’s side on this issue, as on many or most others.

    I’m waiting for the superheated liquid to explode any minute.

    Not really. I’m betting that, if you and I are still here in 30 years, you’ll still be telling me that the explosion could happen any minute.

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 1:10 am | Permalink
  11. Dan,

    “Instead, they have turned to a celebrity messiah with no coherent plans for his administration …”

    Revealing coherent plans for administration is not known to be a successful strategy for election campaigns. On the contrary, it is generally a losing proposition, because the opponents will generate all sorts of disparaging arguments that would persuade the low information voters to reject the candidacy of the revealer of coherent plans.

    This is why election campaigns are entirely about bullshit topics designed strictly to pander to the largest segments of all the voter demographics, who to a great extent care only about their own pet peeves and self-gratifications.

    Show me a man who reveals his coherent plans and I’ll show you the biggest loser in any poker game.

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 1:26 am | Permalink
  12. Maybe Ryan is a vengeful idiot. Or perhaps he is turning up the heat of the pressure cooker. The plot thickens and quickens. Wait for it …

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 1:43 am | Permalink
  13. djf says

    Henry, Ryan is on the other side on this issue. I’ve read that he’s publicly taken a position in support of World War T, which apparently is the contemporary equivalent of the American Revolution, the Civil War and World War II. Perhaps more important than all three of those combined. Whatever.

    As for Trump, his discourse is at a level of incoherence several orders of magnitude beyond any other major-party presidential nominee, good or bad, up to the present. I suspect this is because the man has no interest in winning the election. Or, to be more exact, he would be fine with winning the election if it did not mean that he would have to serve as president.

    I tend to think further discussion of the estimable Mr. Trump would be fruitless. Everyone has a tendency to believe whatever they want to believe about him. Feel free to dismiss my disparagement of him as the sniping of an envious loser. I’m sure that’s what the great man himself would do. ;-)

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 2:05 am | Permalink
  14. Dan,

    I have no intention of being dismissive toward you. I consider you an online friend. I believe we both have similar good intentions. Feel free to be as pessimistic, about this admittedly woeful state of affairs, as you feel you must be. It is still a free country (I think).

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 2:48 am | Permalink
  15. The great men of American history were George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and Jonas Salk.

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 3:29 am | Permalink
  16. djf says

    Henry, I’m honored to be your online friend. I fear that my last comment created a more defensive impression than I intended, notwithstanding my feeble attempt at self-deprecatory humor. But I have found over the last few months that discussions of Trump generate more heat than light, on both sides. Enjoy the weekend.

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 6:40 am | Permalink
  17. Whitewall says

    Trump? Clinton?
    Bring back the Monarchy. Does anyone know where we can borrow one so we can practice?

    Posted May 27, 2016 at 7:05 am | Permalink

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