I enjoyed this very much: Mark Knopfler playing his guitars, and talking about playing guitar. (The clip is hosted at Laughing Squid, where it’s described as Mr. Knopfler giving a “wonderful guided tour of his guitar collection” — but that isn’t what it is at all, as older and wiser readers will understand.)
Golly I enjoyed that! After 40 years even! I had forgotten “Romeo and Juliette” on that steel guitar. Mark appears to have aged well in appearance and style. Still married too I see.
Still married? Well yes, to wife number three.
It isn’t what it is? What is it then? You might have to explain any “hidden meaning” to those of us who are not older and wiser. I take it at face value.
I was a student at Leeds Uni a few years after Mark. Please don’t try to make his down to earth, humble, strum around, into something that suits your agenda.
Write to him and ask him if he was making a point. Or maybe you’re seeing something that isn’t there?
My “agenda”? Really? Good grief.
I wouldn’t have thought I’d have to spell this out, but what’s obvious here is that this man’s real love — one that almost certainly trumps any other love — is with music, and his ability to express himself though the guitar. The man and his tools are one. You could take almost anything away from him and he’d be OK; take that away, and he would be destroyed.
His guitars are his lovers, his mistresses. (Can’t you tell?) If he’s been married three times, that’s probably why.