It’s been quite a while since I’ve put up one of these omnibus posts. Let’s see what I have lying around here:
‣ Jonathan Bowden on the Soviet gulag.
‣ WWII waist-gunner training cartoon, featuring none other than the great Mel Blanc.
‣ Twelve ways artificial wombs will change the world.
‣ Anatoly Karlin: A World of 1,000 Nations.
‣ Whiteness.
‣ Why the AR-15 platform is an essential weapon.
‣ The slippery slope.
‣ Why transgendered people in the military is a bad idea.
‣ The Globe drops the mask.
‣ Five Thirty Eight statistician changes her mind on gun control.
‣ Sex differences in cognition, from Psychology Today.
‣ Persecuting the heretic at a major Canadian university.
‣ A remarkable Swedish artist.
‣ Inconvenient Truths About Migration.
‣ Pigford revisited. (One of the great leftie government scams of our age.)
‣ The genetic underpinnings of intelligence are coming into view. (Note: that which is genetic is heritable; that which is heritable is subject to selection, natural or otherwise; that which is subject to selection will vary among populations exposed to different selection pressures.)
I apologize: many of these deserve detailed posts of their own, with commentary and analysis, but I just haven’t had the oomph for it lately. I don’t know what’s wrong with me these days.