Today the fashion magazine Vogue tweeted this photograph. The caption read:
“Is your hair holiday party ready?”

I found it more than a little disturbing (and no, it wasn’t because of the missing hyphen in the compound adjective “holiday party”, as bad as that is). To me the photograph leapt off the screen as macabre image of a civilization in the descending stages of mortal decay.
It isn’t her hair that gives me the willies, though. It’s the death in those eyes — and that horrifying smile.
I take it we’re not their intended audience
If we are, they need to fire their marketing people.
Here’s a Google image search for “Vogue hairstyle 1955”.
Then again, even on young women, that much eye lid make up with glitter does make it hard to keep the eye wide open…I consulted the lady of the house on this. She appears to be ready to attend a Harvey Weinstein type party.
For some time now, art and fashion have ceased to have any sort of positive influence; rather, they are full negative.
I felt driven to comment on this post but, just simply couldn’t get past muster so …