
How about that Joe Biden? Two weeks ago — just two weeks! — he was all washed up. Now he’s the last man standing. Amazing.

The problem, though, is that nobody really thinks he is fit for purpose. His accelerating slide into a pitiable and disqualifying caducity is increasingly plain to see, every time he goes out to “press the flesh”. Moreover, he is in for some serious problems in a general election against Donald Trump; over the years he has pushed a lot of skeletons into his closet. That business with Hunter and Ukraine will be just the beginning.

Most important of all: look at the enthusiasm Mr. Trump is able to generate everywhere he goes. Is there anyone anywhere who feels enthusiastic about Joe Biden? Can you imagine this befuddled old man speaking extemporaneously, for hours, in packed stadiums, to jubilant applause?

So: Mr. Biden may have taken the primaries, but what will happen at the convention? Is the DNC really going to take its chances with grumpy old Joe? If not — then what?


  1. John Hoinowski says

    – then what? DNC smoke and mirrors starting with limited camera time for uncle Joe because of the virus don’t you know and its the responsible thing to do (Trump is reckless by not doing same).
    The campaign and convention will look like an extended version of weekend at Bernies as the DNC selects the real candidate for POTUS while trying to keep Joe away from the mic yet still looking like hes not (brain) dead yet.
    Scott Adams says that Kamalla Harris will be their choice who do you think they will try to install?

    Posted March 11, 2020 at 6:43 am | Permalink
  2. Whitewall says

    It looks like as of now that “quid pro quo Joe” has it locked up at least in delegate count. The fickle young vote never materialized for Bernie. Why would it show up for Biden? Either the DNC convention will be a magic show or the Dems have decided that Biden will be their Walter Mondale.

    Posted March 11, 2020 at 6:57 am | Permalink

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