Monthly Archives: February 2021

Airstrikes In Syria

36 days in. Here we go.

Michael Anton On Our Reichstag Fire And Its Aftermath

Here’s Michael Anton (with whom, in 2018, we had a brief exchange in the linked series of posts starting here), writing recently at Claremont Review of Books: The vast majority of those who went to the Capitol did so without a plan, but they did have a goal: to be heard. Which was also the […]

Service Notice

Sorry to have gone all quiet here again. We are getting our house ready to sell, and having lived here since 1982, it’s a huge task. By the time we get to the end of each day — which is when I usually have some time to write — we’re whipped. I’ll post up interesting […]

Rush Limbaugh Is Dead

How terribly sad this is. I really don’t know what to say… perhaps later. For now I’ll just quote Charles de Gaulle: “The cemeteries are full of indispensable men.”

Another One Gone

I was deeply saddened to hear that the great jazz/Latin keyboardist and composer Chick Corea has died, at the age of 79. He was one of the towering musical artists of our time, and I’ve been a huge fan for more than fifty years (I first heard him play on Miles Davis’s groundbreaking album Bitches […]

The Enemy Within

This post was just reprinted at American Greatness, so I’ve taken it down from here for a little while. Please read it over at their website.


All healthy organisms, societies included, stabilize in a dynamic equilibrium by managing energy throughput (which of course means that they depend on increasing the entropy of the larger system that supports them). “Rightism” acknowledges that there are natural principles that determine sustainable configurations and hierarchies, and incorporates that knowledge into societies as traditions. This vast, […]