Only The Beginning

The “Spartacus Letter” mentioned in last Wednesday’s post discussed the use of graphene nanoparticles as a transducer for brain-computer interfaces, and expressed concerns that the vaccines now being forced on everyone — which are said to contain these particles — might in fact be an insidious step toward mass behavioral control. I said this seemed to verge on “tinfoil-hattery”, as such concerns seemed to me to be, at the very least, premature, but an article I’ve just read this morning makes me think that perhaps there’s more to worry about, even now, than I thought.

At the end of his “Finest Hour” speech to the House of Commons in 1940, Churchill said this:

But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.

That abyss still yawns, it seems.


  1. mharko says

    I’ve been reading ’bout graphene oxide all morning. The Spanish researchers claiming their electron microscopy detected 99% GO in a sealed vial of Pfizer vaccine, and the rest of the stuff at It was a comment stream at zerohedge that got me going.
    There are links there to pages dating back to 2003, before all this hit the conspiracy theory big time, so it seemingly has a lot (too much?) coherence. There are, in fact, lots of developments in the biodigital realm that set off alarms. The brain/computer interface. But it’s all dished up with the best of intentions: cure Alzheimer’s, repair TBI, fix whatever ails ya. It seems that whether there’s intentionally a grand convergence/reset or not, the arc of history has plans of its own. These folks just seem to be cooperating, whether in concert or unconscious servitude. We can’t tell anymore what’s epistemologically sound or paranoia, and even that seems a part of the ‘plan’.
    Paul Virilio’s ‘dromology’ ‘accidentology’ and revelation concern the politics of speed (, and the speed at which things have changed in the last 20 months is deceptive in concealing undercurrents and covert agendas that seem to have been in accelerating play for upwards of 50 years. Mistakes happen, may be a feature not a bug.
    Unfortunately, I always end up thinking the orchestrating mastermind for so broad and hubristic an agenda is an always concealed, supernatural agent too far-fetched to seriously discuss in the open. At least in the caricatured terms of our traditional characterizations.
    But hey, I often believe fantastic things before I even get out of bed in the morning. Someone famous said something like that once, but I can’t recall who or the exact phrasing. But it’s happening more and more these days. Reading you, at least I feel I’m not alone.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 8:29 pm | Permalink
  2. Jason says

    Here’s the quote mharko.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 9:49 pm | Permalink
  3. Malcolm says

    Beat me to it, Jason.

    Something I was reading just recently, or something I was listening to, mentioned Virilio and dromology. (Where was that? If you hadn’t mentioned him I might have forgot all about it. For some reason I think it was BAP — perhaps one of his podcasts — but I just can’t remember. Was it Yarvin? I really am getting older, I’m afraid…)

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 10:08 pm | Permalink
  4. Mharko says

    Oh, thank you, Jason! Of course, i should’ve asked Alice!
    Malcolm, it might’ve been a previous comment from me, re: Virilio. I seem to remember bringing him up in passing on an earlier post. I found the text at the link above disturbingly relevant. I want to look into his ideas further.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 10:32 pm | Permalink
  5. Malcolm says


    Part of what makes this moment so bewildering is that the world has got so small in recent times that everything impinges on everything else all at once. This means that processes and influences that used to be moderated by distance and the narrow bandwidth of old-fashioned media now saturate everything, and interact with everything else, with zero latency. In a sense, as I argued in a long post about this back in 2013, this effective reduction of the size of the world has had the same effect as rapidly reducing the volume of a gas-filled container, sharply increasing the pressure and temperature.

    In such a radically altered environment all reactions are greatly accelerated, and complex structures come into existence at breakneck speed (and, as the temperature increases, are just as swiftly battered to pieces).

    Not only is more happening, more quickly, everywhere around us, but given that our own capacity to ingest and process information hasn’t changed, our relative ability (and of course the ability of the apparatus of government and society) to keep up with it all falls further and further behind.

    Add to that the exponentially accelerating powers of technology at every point in engineering space — which is moving so quickly that even specialists in technical fields have trouble keeping up, and nobody outside each field has the slightest chance — and you start to realize that the feeling we all have of chaotic change, and of an overwhelming impingement of possibilities at many times our possible rate of evaluating them, is an accurate sense of our actual predicament.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 10:36 pm | Permalink
  6. Malcolm says


    Yes – I think it was your comment from August that I must have been thinking of. I followed the link you’d left at the time.

    (Not an encouraging sign, to have retained the memory so poorly! I take in much more information than I can file away properly, and the problem’s getting worse, I fear.)

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 10:51 pm | Permalink
  7. Mharko says

    A very fruitful and apt metaphor indeed. PV=NkT
    To keep the equation balanced as the right side inevitably increases puts ‘pressure on volume’ to increase lest the containment vessel fail. Hence the motivation to colonize Mars or some such. Or as you say, to limit kT and/or N. Current elements of the reset agenda involve both, via climate change and lockdown pandemic legislation and depopulation, which dovetail nicely.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
  8. Mharko says

    Godel might remind us that there is a level above our ‘closed frames of reference’ that will accommodate our incapacity to keep all this info filed and sorted. We’re all bound away ‘cross the wide Missouri to an unknown land.

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 11:29 pm | Permalink
  9. Malcolm says

    “We do, doodley do, doodley do, doodely do,

    What we must, muddily must, muddily must, muddily must;

    Muddily do, muddily do, muddily do, muddily do,

    Until we bust, bodily bust, bodily bust, bodily bust.”

    Posted October 3, 2021 at 11:39 pm | Permalink
  10. JK says

    In such a radically altered environment all reactions are greatly accelerated, and complex structures come into existence at breakneck speed (and, as the temperature increases, are just as swiftly battered to pieces).

    (Outer Limits episode script proposal – There’s been a contemplated intervention.)

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 12:56 am | Permalink
  11. DaveB says

    Re: the post you referenced from 2013 – I’ve long thought that is one of your best. I’ve shared it far and wee.

    Re: memory. I have an excellent memory; it’s just very very short.

    Re: the serious stuff in the thread above. If I understand the term, I have taken the Black Pill. From a very reliable source (Reddit. Yes, that was humor. And the quote is verbatim, in less than exemplary English) :

    The black pill believes in a more nihilistic concept that the red pill doesn’t agree with. They believe that reality is rigged… They also oppose a lot of red pill teachings as offering false hope ..”.
    I think most of us realize that “Reality” is managed, rigged as it were. Scott Adams likes to say that our opinions are assigned to us and I think he’s generally right in that. If we (for the most part) had access to the science involved in the Vaxx research, we would not understand it. So we get our ‘science’ from the scientist. Oops: Scientists disagree with one another as to what the ‘science’ discovers. What we read in the papers is the end result of Science-Scientist-journalist-editor-owner of the paper-Moneyed and manipulative Power agendas.
    Thus the black pill.

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 11:09 am | Permalink
  12. ApoloDoc says

    There are a couple of things to consider. First, our ‘thinking’ about ‘matters of thinking’ has been drastically influenced by a totally materialist worldview: “all that exists is matter, energy, space, & time.” Such a view does not allow an intrusion of the “immaterial” and even a moment’s reflection should clarify this.

    Your mind is not your brain, and vice-versa. The immaterial mind can influence the brain and therefore the body – wow, picture that TOTALLY HOT babe you saw at the mall! An image & concept were created which then impacted your brain. Likewise, too much beer impacted your brain & you the thinking became confused, so it’s bidirectional. However, things done to the brain have a large-scale & somewhat non-specific effect. Even if some physical process initiated mental fantasies, the precise content would still depend on your own mental faculties – such as what qualities in a girl, or guy for that matter, were personally attractive or arousing to you.

    Pharma co-opted much in mental health because selling DRUGS (or jabs!) makes $$, while effective talking therapies don’t generate corporate profits. But an atheist-materialist worldview AND Pharma influence have made EVERY mental or emotional problem something needing a pill, not different modes of thinking, choosing, & relating.

    Contrary to what Elon Musk thinks he can do, there will NEVER be a brain chip that can do all he promises. The Matrix gives us LOVELY ideas, but even there we all understand the red pill is simply a metaphor. In the same way there will never be true artificial intelligence. AI as it is called is not intellect, it is simply programmed algorithms.

    Second major heading is for those who dabble in radio. If you consider wavelength vs frequency, wavelengths of, say 30um (red blood cell is about 7um dia) mean a frequency of 10 terahertz. That’s IR, not exactly RF! An RFID tag is powered by the RF itself (store theft prevention) and requires the proper antenna. Every time I hear something else from they Fitts woman, it drives me nuts. She may know Econ, but she doesn’t understand “operating systems” and brain-mind issues.

    I don’t trust any further than I could throw them, and wouldn’t take the jab at gun point. There are worlds of things bad about it. Listen to Ryan Cole talking about deactivating TLRs & some cancers exploding. Or just plain ole DRT 3 days after the jab. Is there GO in there? I don’t know, it has been stated that some supervised random sampling examinations are needed, but that isn’t going to happen.

    Let’s be honest – haven’t they already mastered mind control just using the internet? The insanity from the authoritarians would suggest so!

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 4:32 pm | Permalink
  13. Malcolm says


    “Re: the post you referenced from 2013 – I’ve long thought that is one of your best. I’ve shared it far and wee.”

    By whistling, I assume (if you’re feeling goat-footed). Thanks for the kind words about that post.

    There are all kinds of black pills; the simplest is just that we are living in a civilization in collapse, that we’re overpowered and doomed. Another is, as you say, that we have no inkling as to who’s really running things, and no effective agency – which is just another way of saying we’re overpowered and doomed.

    But despair is never the right response (it is arguably a grievous sin). As chessplayers like to say: nobody ever won a game by resigning.

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 6:36 pm | Permalink
  14. Malcolm says


    Much of this is why I commented on the graphene mind-control concern in the Spartacus Letter as seeming overheated.

    Even if actual, detailed mind-control (at the level of beaming specific cognitive content) is far-fetched (as I suppose it is), perhaps more realistic would be a far coarser sort of remote influence: inflicting pain, some sort of incapacitation, or emotional attraction or aversion. That would be quite worrisome enough.

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 7:02 pm | Permalink
  15. DaveB says

    Malcolm – totally agree with ya about despair. In looking up ‘black pill’ I indeed found many entries, most of them pointing to nihilism. I am not there. Surpisingly, to me, the term ‘black pill’ is used on a number of ‘incel’ sites, and also a number of male-centered ones, in discussions of masculinity and the female sex.
    Reading the LOTR – I read it every Fall, as everyone should (and the Silmarillion in the dead of Winter) I am struck again by the Nordic feeling of doom, and fate – which Gandalf and Aragorn fully recognize (black-pilled in my sense). Nonetheless they recognize their responsibility – and high privilege! – of facing bravely what may be their doom. I was having a pipe with Gandalf when he shared that with me. :-)
    I’m with them.

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 7:06 pm | Permalink
  16. JK says


    As from, relatively ‘the early days’ commenting here as a professing Christian there’s some small bits I would entreat you to expand on.

    (Hoo boy I pray Bill V. doesn’t take an interest here!)

    Agree ‘the mind is not the brain and/or vice versa. And so the beer and things ‘done to the brain.’ And I’m with you where AI is concerned, no way may that be intellect.

    Lemme cut to the chase; your sentence “[But] an atheist-materialist worldview AND Pharma influence have made EVERY mental or emotional problem something needing a pill, not different modes of thinking, choosing, & relating …” presents some problems for me I’d wish you to finer cut.

    I’ve known some atheists in my time, some not bothering to work on “it” some bothering themselves to – and for some very few “it” is really bothersome.

    At any rate. I’ve known (and know) some ‘well-intentioned/good-hearted’ atheists – and as a MD’s kid I’ve some experience with Pharma too.

    Boiling it down to essence Apolodoc, might not it be more accurately put, rather than ‘atheist-materialist’ – substitute it to ‘malevolent-materialist’?

    Not every atheist is Pol Pot. (Though the one soul be in peril.)

    Mind control is actually relatively simple. Sugar water and almond scented grape Koolaid but one example.

    Posted October 4, 2021 at 10:41 pm | Permalink
  17. JK says

    Just read an interesting thread:

    Now then onto the procedure I had yesterday that was the same as yours couple weeks ago? Doc said at the end “All is A-OK” but then added there were four thingies that were excised with the pathology report to come in in about a week or so.

    Posted October 14, 2021 at 11:05 pm | Permalink

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