Monthly Archives: March 2022

The Confusion Of Tongues

I’ve referred on several occasions to the old Chinese story about “calling a deer a horse”, which describes the scheming courtier Zhao Gao’s stratagem (this was way back in the third century BC) for testing the loyalty of potential political allies by seeing what lies they would assent to. I first read about this over […]

On Leftism And Entropy

Here’s a brief item of mine, just posted at American Greatness.


Currently underway in Iceland:

Food For Thought

Writing at City Journal, my friend Jim Meigs (who is also, by the way, a hell of a good musician) discusses the folly of U.S. biofuel policy. In brief: it’s a disaster already, and it’s about to make things much, much worse. Here.

Jim Kalb On Our Mass Craziness

James Kalb stopped by to comment on yesterday’s post, and his remarks deserve a post of their own in reply. (I’ve known Jim for quite a few years now, and for those of you who don’t recognize his name, he is a lawyer and scholar who has written extensively on politics, religion, and culture, and […]

When Pigs Fly

If you’re like most people — and most people are! — you’re probably looking at the news, and the fantastic things you are asked to believe, with a deepening feeling that either everyone’s gone completely mad, or that you have. If it’s any comfort, let me reassure that you haven’t gone insane, and neither has […]

Lara Logan En Fuego!

Hat-tip to our commenter Jake for this one.

Service Notice

I haven’t had much to say — Ukraine is all smoke and fog and lies and propaganda, and I’ve been focused on personal matters. Now we are off to NY and NJ for a few days (Nina’s having surgery on her hand), and I don’t expect to be posting anything till we get back. A […]

Our Stupendous Folly In Ukraine, And Our Sickness Here At Home

Curtis Yarvin. a.k.a. Mencius Moldbug, has posted a pungent item about Ukraine today at Substack. In it, he had this to say: A foreign policy conducted solely in the interest of Americans would not involve intervening in a civil war against a nuclear power on the banks of the Dnieper, for the reason that there […]

Everything Is Fine!

Here is a caustically sarcastic item by Michael Anton that I encourage you all to read and share.

Diplomad On Ukraine

It’s good to see that Lewis Anselm, AKA “Diplomad”, is blogging again. Anselm, having spent his professional career working for the State Department all over the world, is always especially good on international affairs, and he’s just posted an excellent item on Ukraine. You should read the whole thing, but I’ll quote one longish passage […]

The Pernicious Self-Deception Of “The Right Side Of History”

We are hearing, once again, a lot of incoherent prattle about “the right side of history”. It’s no surprise, given current events, but as time goes by, I find it increasingly annoying. It’s a vain and silly expression, full of swollen and virtuous self-pride; all it really refers to, in most people’s mouths, is whether […]