Where Matters Stand

I’m at the point where I don’t see much use in banging on endlessly about how broken things are, and about what a decadent position we’ve reached in the great cycle of civilizations — but every now and then I suppose we need a little reminding, just to keep the fire going, and today at American Greatness I read such a thorough and pungent summary of our predicament that I thought I might as well post it.

Here it is.


  1. Locust Post says

    The numbers in this excellent article are illuminating. 3000 Tyrants sounds about right.

    Virtually all products and services come from monopolists. That’s why the prices are so high with layers of taxes and fees, generally poor quality and AI customer service that makes what should take a few minutes a hellscape of press options and holding while being forced to listen to awful music.

    I’m a member of the .01 percent by the definition here but I’m certainly not a member of the ruling class and I didn’t get there via a walk-through Ivy.

    That’s why I have long referred to myself as a “Wiley Peasant”. I spend time dodging and weaving in a way that keeps the thieves and grifters at bay and built and diversified the old fashion way by making stuff and hiding returns. At various times, the system strikes. Once in the form of a nightmare of a subpoena because I got out of line politically (that was scary). Another time it came from the EPA (that one went on for a year and you basically find out you have no property rights if they don’t want you to have property rights). Then there the other rights, local, state and federal agencies that pop up whack a mole like. It’s a wonder anything of value gets done. Dodge and weave….

    Posted May 7, 2023 at 1:07 pm | Permalink
  2. Etheror says

    So, are we doomed? The author seems to end on a cautiously optimistic note, but ends rather abruptly.

    Posted May 7, 2023 at 11:29 pm | Permalink
  3. Malcolm says


    The cautiously optimistic note you mention was this:

    But conservatives have no reason to be pessimistic: the emperor has no clothes. The incompetent, corrupt, and degenerate ruling class has lost all legitimacy. Citizens no longer believe state media facts selected for political control. True science, the evidence before one’s eyes, pulls back the curtain to expose the globalist American empire as a kleptocracy that has betrayed the country, outsourced its wealth and defense, and degraded its people.

    Progressivism is not inevitable, not on a fated “right side of history.”

    This would be the motivation for the accelerationist to give the whole thing a push, rather than slowing its collapse with incremental resistance.

    Are we doomed? Well, that depends what you mean by “we”, I suppose. Something will certainly survive, but things might get very bad for a while.

    Posted May 8, 2023 at 11:31 am | Permalink

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