Mind The Gap

The cataract of aliens pouring over our southern border has risen, in December of last year, to a rate of about three-and-a-half million a year. (Can anyone, at this point, doubt for a moment that this an intentional feature of government policy?)

Meanwhile, as our efforts in Ukraine slump toward failure — as has been characteristic of all our military adventures since World War Two — and with our armed forces having degenerated from an invincible Männerbund to a self-actualization program for girls and the mentally ill, and with a feeble-minded octogenarian as our Commander-In-Chief, our reputation as a force to be feared in global strategy has never been weaker, and our rivals in the world arena understand this. There should be little doubt that China, in particular, is soon to capitalize on our impotence, and will try its chances in Taiwan.

Writing at The Gatestone Institute’s website last summer, Gordon Chang connected these two aspects of our decline in an alarming way: China, he says, is taking advantage of our dereliction at the border to infiltrate thousands of sleeper agents, to be activated should our conflict with the Celestial Kingdom suddenly turn hot.

We read:

There is no question that China’s PLA is inserting saboteurs through Mexico. “At the Darien Gap*, I have seen countless packs of Chinese males of military age, unattached to family groups, and pretending not to understand English,” said [Michael] Yon, the war correspondent. “They were all headed to the American border.”

“Normally in groups of five to fifteen, they typically emerge from the Darien Gap and spend one night in the U.S.-funded San Vicente Camp, or next door in the Tonosi Hotel, before boarding luxury buses for the trip up Highway 1 toward Costa Rica,” Yon reports. “One group of six young men bought a chicken at the Tonosi Hotel, drank its blood from small glasses, then cooked the chicken themselves in the hotel restaurant, according to the hotel manager. Drinking raw chicken blood is a rite among some PLA soldiers.”

Once here, the military fighters can link up with China’s agents already in place or Chinese diplomats.

How many of the PLA fighters have slipped into the United States this way? Some estimate 5,000, others 10,000. Those numbers sound high, but whatever the actual figure, more are coming.

These are China’s shock troops. The concern is that, on the first day of war in Asia they will take down America’s power lines, poison water reservoirs, assassinate officials, start wildfires, spread pathogens, and create terror by bombing shopping malls and supermarkets.

Feverish paranoia, you say? I suppose you must be right; after all, nothing like that could ever happen here.

*Readers should keep in mind that crossing the Darien Gap is not for the faint-hearted.


  1. bob sykes says

    Gordon Chang has a pathological hatred for all things Chinese, and his commentary on China is always unreliable, if not actually deceitful. Nonetheless, with 3 to 4 million illegal aliens invading us each year, with the open connivance and assistance of the US government, there must be all sorts of sleeper agents coming in from every one of our enemies.

    On a darker note, it has been noted that something like three-quarters of the illegals are military age men. Someone has pointed out that every federal agency now has a large stockpile of weapons and ammunition, and that if the illegals were armed by the agencies, we would have Obama’s promised domestic army.

    Posted January 5, 2024 at 9:34 am | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    bob sykes,

    You are quite right that Gordon Chang has a vitriolic antipathy toward China, and that he has hardly covered himself in glory with his predictions (most notably in his 2001 book predicting China’s imminent collapse, a forecast that he doubled down on a decade later).

    Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, though. We already know of the various forms in which China has spied on and infiltrated the U.S. (its infection of our universities is particularly worrisome). That they are also taking advantage of our nonexistent border to position embedded assets seems, in my opinion, almost certain.

    Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you!

    Posted January 5, 2024 at 11:29 am | Permalink

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