Gloria Patri!

Happy Fathers’ Day to all you dads out there.

The question often comes up: “what is best in life?” When Conan the Cimmerian was asked this, he gave what is certainly a plausible answer:

“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”

While perfectly reasonable, this is a young man’s outlook. If someone were to ask me, however, as an older and wiser man, on a lovely morning in June, I think my own answer would be “a leisurely breakfast”.

Anyway: enjoy the day, as you see best.


  1. Jason says

    You have two, right Malcolm? A daughter who lives abroad, from what I recall, and a son in the states. Hope they’re doing well.

    Posted June 17, 2024 at 8:06 am | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    Hi Jason,

    Yes, I have a daughter living in Hong Kong with her husband and their three young boys, and a son in Brooklyn, and they’re all doing just fine. Thanks!

    Posted June 17, 2024 at 1:24 pm | Permalink
  3. JMSmith says

    You and I have reached the age when we must take care to distinguish between leisurely and sluggish. A leisurely breakfast, yes. A sluggish breakfast, no. The problem, I find, is that my spirit is increasingly inclined to the leisurely at the same time my flesh is increasingly inclined to the sluggish; and it is sometimes difficulty to tell one from the other. But your point is correct. Rushing gave life a sense of importance when I was a young man. Rushing now puts me in a very bad temper, so I take care that I very seldom have to rush.

    I’d say the essential difference between leisurely and sluggish is that appreciation is heightened when one is leisurely and depressed when one is sluggish. At a leisurely breakfast, one appreciates the contrast between the toast and the jam; at a sluggish breakfast, one feeds with all the feeling of a cow. The difference is also clear in a leisurely versus a sluggish walk. One notices all manner of things on a leisurely walk, and nothing at all on a walk that is sluggish.

    Posted June 19, 2024 at 7:57 am | Permalink
  4. Malcolm says


    Yes, an important distinction. (I might as well have written “unhurried”, but I was making a reference there to John Gunther’s remark that “all happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.”)

    It’s nice to be able to begin the day in peace, read the mail and the news, and collect one’s thoughts, before facing the daily affray.

    Posted June 23, 2024 at 1:59 pm | Permalink

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