Monthly Archives: September 2024

Any Questions?

Another day, another insane violent leftist bent on partisan violence. (I refer, of course, to today’s foiled attempt to assassinate Donald Trump — the second in two months.) Say what you like about Carl Schmitt, but the man had a keen eye for the truths of human nature. I’ve posted this quote before, but it […]

What’s The Matter With Haiti?

Steve Sailer’s latest over at Substack is a look at why Haiti is so stubbornly dysfunctional. Steve mentions in passing a thing that is surely an important factor, rarely mentioned over here in discussions of U.S. immigration policy: when a place falls below comfortable levels of safety and prosperity, those who are able to — […]

Editorial Note

I have taken down yesterday’s item — a thing I’ve only ever done once or twice in the twenty-year history of this blog — about the effect of a rapid influx of Haitians to the small town of Springfield, Ohio. Although I stand by the gist of the post, which was that mass immigration from […]

Douglas Murray On Hamas

This, folks, is moral clarity. Good commentary also by the Tweeter, @orenbarsky. This clip of @DouglasKMurray on @PiersUncensored has been circulating online, and I imagine many of you have seen it by now (if not, it’s worth watching). For this reason, I won’t address his comments directly, but rather focus on a hidden meaning within […]

See You In September

Well, August is over, Labor Day has come and gone (and with it the annual four-day gathering and concert series of the Shoal Survivors, the musical collective I’ve been a member of for a decade now), and I really should try to get this blog up and running again. I’ve been in a slump for […]