How many of you think we are going to get all the way to January 20th without some kind of radically disruptive “black swan” event? (The obvious candidate right now seems to be war with Russia — which our Imperial Court and its European vassals seem hell-bent on bringing about — but there are all sorts of other possibilities we might imagine, as well as all the ones we can’t).
Just wondering.
I would put the odds at about 50/50. But I could see an alternate strategy, from the point of view of the Deep State/Leftist Establishment. That is, to “pull the plug” after Trump is inaugurated, and leave him holding the bag. Let us not forget that virtually all major institutions are controlled by the other side; even the Federal bureaucracy will be de facto in their hands for some time, even in the rosiest scenario of Augean stable-cleaning. A black-swan event (new “pandemic” or major financial crisis, to take just two obvious possibilities), could be unleashed, followed by the usual media circus.
Yes. Hunter Biden has just been placed ‘above the law’ by Joe Biden who promised he would not do that. The road is open for Trump and those involved with J-6 and anything else he might want.