The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has just released its 557-page final report. The whole thing is here, but virologist Robert Malone has provided a summary at his Substack website.
Hint: it’s bad. This is a story not only of massive government incompetence — although there was plenty of that — but also of willful malfeasance, corruption, lying, and manipulation on a titanic scale, at a cost in lives, prosperity, and human misery that makes it one of the greatest crimes in Western political history. In particular, the ruthless suppression of safe, inexpensive and widely available early-stage treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin alone caused hundreds of thousands — or more likely millions — of easily avoidable deaths.
People should go to prison for this. (To learn more you should read, at the very least, Peter McCullough’s book The Courage To Face COVID-19, and Robert Kennedy Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci. They will make your blood boil.)
The report confirms what Covid dissidents have known for nearly 5 years, and pulls many punches along the way.
One data point stands out as particularly egregious though, and that’s the one that claims “Warp Speed” saved millions of lives, while also claiming the vaccines were both unproven and ineffective, the latter being demonstrably true.
Trump gave Fauci and Birx a platform to spread their baseless claims that caused so much damage, and his continuing praise of the totally ineffectual Warp Speed needs to be called out. He should be held responsible, as much as any other politician, in so far as the first 9 months of all of that insanity was when he was firmly in control and capable of making decisions that affected all of us.
The report is a good start, but highly partisan.
Well, nothing coming out of Washington will ever be untainted by partisan politics. But even to acknowledge at all the scope and brazenness of the lying and bullying is a gratifying development.
As for Trump, I believe he was completely out of his depth when it came to dealing with something like this, and was easily buffaloed by Fauci. (As POTUS, the buck still stopped with him, of course, but it was Fauci and his lackeys who really brought this disaster about — from the original gain-of-function research, to the nation’s utterly corrupt and malevolent response. Anthony Fauci, more than anyone else, is the one who, in a just world, ought to be riding a tumbrel to the village square.)
To be clear, I absolutely believe Fauci, Birx, the medical establishment generally, and dozens of Democratic mayors and governors, as well as the entire legacy media, are firmly to blame for everything that went wrong, and I agree that Trump was blindsided, and instead of following his initial instincts, which told him this wasn’t as serious as the fear mongering and hysteria warranted, was cajoled by his own team to give Fauci, and those who listened to him, the power to wreak utter havoc on all of our lives.
That being said, the “Warp Speed saved millions of lives” nonsense is just that… nonsense, and when a full accounting of those horrible years is finally laid bare, Trump must answer, to the extent that he had power over the runaway freight train.
Fauci and Birx should be in prison, and Cuomo not far behind them.
That’s just for starters.
Agreed. To grasp the full extent of how evil this whole thing was, and of the lies about the vaccines, Remdesivir, and other treatments, as well as the absolutely despicable collusion between Fauci et al. and the pharmaceutical/academic/regulatory complex, I’ll recommend again the books I mentioned above.
And/But the fact that there’s the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization for those who might of forgot) that absolved and shielded and profited so many many others ought give a little slack to [for his, I’d wager, extremely limited role] Trump.
My use above ‘there’s’ isn’t the contraction there was rather it’s the contraction there is. And it’s been awhile.
And there is the “whole of government effort” horseshit – no matter which side of the divide one landed on “jabwise.”
While concurrently the oppo Party had its Impeachment Theater.