Standing in the rubble of London after its destruction by ISIS in the first nuclear attack since World War II, a BBC spokeswoman warned against an anti-Muslim backlash:
‘We all need to get out in front of this story, to make sure that right-wing haters know that they are on the wrong side of history’, she said. ‘If our diversity becomes a casualty — well, that’s simply not who we are.’
From Wikipedia:
Honorius missed his true calling — comedian.
“RIGHT ON CUE: NBC Reporter Fears London Terror Will ‘Put Wind in the Sails’ of ‘Right-Wing Movement.’”
Let’s hope it isn’t too late.
Standing in the rubble of London after its destruction by ISIS in the first nuclear attack since World War II, a BBC spokeswoman warned against an anti-Muslim backlash:
A photo of the scene on the Westminster Bridge: