This Is Your Child On Modernity

Watch this video (it’s brief):

This is what we get when we tear everything down — all the sturdy scaffolding that children have relied on throughout history to learn to be adults — without putting anything in its place. We have told them, in our spate of madness, that now they must create every aspect of themselves ex nihilo — something so obviously impossible that it would be seen as a criminally negligent dereliction of parental and social duty in any other place or time — and we flatter ourselves, in our cruelty, that we have set them free. The children, meanwhile, given the impossible task of creating a functional human being completely from scratch, and realizing that they must fail, turn away, in their desperation, from humanity itself.

Notice that she begins by identifying herself as having “DID”. This is Dissociative Identity Disorder, or what used to be called “split personality”. It has always been understood as an extreme response to catastrophic trauma, and until very recently was so rare that most practicing psychologists might never encounter a single case. But this young woman (when she’s speaking as a human, and not a “bearded vulture”) talks about it as if is a commonplace way of being among her peer-group, a natural response to living in this place in these times. I don’t doubt it: whether it is the genuine article, or simply a seductive and fashionable form of escape, there is something awful going on in our young peoples’ lives. (If you’re wondering about “quadrobics”, have a look here.)

This is our fault, folks. The blood of this poor girl, and so many others of her generation, is on our hands.

One Comment

  1. Locust Post says

    Weird and sick. Yesterday I ran into a buddy of mine with his 15 year old twin daughters and the younger daughter who is 12. They were naturally good looking girls but had a plastic vibe about them. I asked them where they went to school which ended up being private. I asked if they were at a place that was teaching gender isn’t binary? I got shuffling feet and blank stairs. The dad later told me the 15 year old twins were both lesbians and the 12 year old was confused. The kids claim they were born that way. What’s the probability that three girls in a family turn out this way at such a young age other than grooming? This is sick.

    Posted December 23, 2023 at 8:01 pm | Permalink

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