
I see in the news today that New Jersey is now certifying businesses owned by gay and transsexual people, in order to privilege them for grants of taxpayer money, give them favored status for state contracts, and bestow other preferences. (The same thing is also routinely done for non-whites, as well as females, in most jurisdictions these days.)

Leaving aside the question of what one must demonstrate in order to acquire “LGBTQ+” certification, I should imagine that historically literate white males seeking advancement in the workplace these days, or those trying to run a business, must be finding it hard not to be reminded of the treatment of the dhimmi: a term that refers to those infidels, mostly Christians and Jews, who were tolerated to live as second-class inhabitants of areas under Muslim rule (the dar-al-Islam). They were not killed, expelled, or forced to convert, but they were compelled to pay a special tax to the state, a tribute called the jizya.

(The comparison, by the way, is not a favorable one: at least the dhimmi weren’t forced to bow to the Muslim faith itself, which is arguably more than one can say regarding the modern-day religion of the West.)


  1. imnobody00 says

    I have said this for years to my family:

    When Muslim rule Europe and make us dhimmi, we Christians will thank God Almighty for His mercy.

    Dhimmi status (second-class citizenship with more taxes, less status but self-ruled) will be a huge improvement for us.

    Christianity is on its way to become illegal in the Western countries. Any remaining of traditional/sane belief or behavior will be mercilessly persecuted.

    Dhimmi status will be an improvement.

    Posted June 5, 2024 at 4:49 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says


    True, perhaps, if it’s Muslims who subjugate us, but in the dar-al-Woke, we’ll more likely end up like the Albigensians.

    Posted June 5, 2024 at 6:12 pm | Permalink
  3. john doran says

    Dhimmi status (second-class citizenship with more taxes, less status but self-ruled) will be a huge improvement for us.

    Christianity is on its way to become illegal in the Western countries. Any remaining of traditional/sane belief or behavior will be mercilessly persecuted.

    Dhimmi status will be an improvement.

    You know about dhimmi. But Muslims also believe in taqqiya, lying to infidels (usually about religious matters, such as the contents of the Quran).

    Jews also believe in lying to the goyim, i.e. non-Jews.

    Both the Quran and the Talmud explicitly say so.

    So. When you say “we Christians”, you are lying: no Christian would say that he is better-off under Muslim rule than under the rule of the current Cabal, which has still not been able to strip its host countries of their nominally Christian status.

    Even the most cursory understanding of the history of Christians under sharia law specifically, but also just generally under muslim majorities (look at current-day Nigeria), gives the lie to your post.

    I, for one, will not go gently into that good night.

    (and, for the record, i don’t think that “self-rule” means what you think it means.)

    Posted June 5, 2024 at 8:32 pm | Permalink
  4. Jason says

    It’s really a prime example of what guys such as Dreher harp on – Rightist elements like The Chamber of Commerce merging with Leftist LGBTQ factions. Ironically, there’s a real contradiction here. For decades LGBTQ advocates argued the just wanted to be seen as normal, not outside of good society. Now they want to be highlighted as something unique, in an almost ostentatious manner. Which one is it?

    Posted June 5, 2024 at 9:21 pm | Permalink
  5. imnobody00 says

    John. As a Spanish Catholic man, my ancestors gave their lives for eight centuries so Spain could be non-Muslim. The current Cabal undid this sacrifice in only 20 years, by promoting mass Muslim immigration.I had not seen a Muslim at the age of 30. Now, 20 years later, my hometown is full of Muslims and seems Morocco. They have stole my memories and the future of my people. So believe me that I know a bit about the topic. My sister and I speak daily about this and we are fed up about this and we are fed up. She is a high school teacher and most of her students are Muslim.

    We can debate about what is best: dimmitude or being forbidden your faith, having your children perverted and castrated. Of course, both things are very bad. But we are discussing the lesser of two evils. I may be right. You may be right. And we can learn from each other.

    What is not right is you accusing me of being a liar. This says a lot about you and nothing about me. If you insult people saying that they are liars and your only evidence is people having a different opinion than yours, you need to grow up.

    Having sa


    Posted June 5, 2024 at 10:45 pm | Permalink
  6. imnobody00 says

    Jason. It is the latter. The former was a trick to deceive us. This trick is not useful anymore

    Posted June 5, 2024 at 11:17 pm | Permalink
  7. john doran says


    No (serious) Catholic would ever “thank God Almighty for [the] mercy” of falling under Muslim rule.

    The “lesser of two evils” is still evil, and we are duty-bound to oppose it: and that is what’s best.

    What you say has the ring of untruth to me, so that’s what I will say, without apology. And I am quite happy with what that says about me.

    If what you say is, in fact, true – i.e. being a Spanish Catholic in the midst of the greatest demographic replacement in Europe’s (and the world’s) history, then I share your lament; here in Canada, they are importing India.

    At any rate, and either way, vade cum deo.

    Posted June 6, 2024 at 8:37 am | Permalink
  8. imnobody00 says

    John. I see that you are not interested in a serious debate but in ad-hominem attacks.

    Have you seen my nickname (imnobody00)? I chose it because of people like you. I am Nobody, I am not important. The ones important are God and the Truth. Even a contemptible person can say the truth.

    Ad-hominem attacks are one of the ways to signal that you have no arguments so you attack the person to try to hide that you cannot have a rational debate.

    Don’t attack me, debate my opinions. If they are false, I am happy to rectify and say you are right. I would have learned something and this is good for me.

    “No (serious) Catholic would ever “thank God Almighty for [the] mercy” of falling under Muslim rule.”

    This is the no True Scotsman fallacy, in a textbook example. Check it out in Wikipedia.

    Since you seem to define who is Catholic, Christian, serious Catholic, serious Christian, and your amazing powers are so huge that you can define this with four lines of text of a person you don’t know at all .. you seem to forget the goal of Christianity..which is salvation.

    Christianity is not about not being physically persecuted, about not being killed… about having a Christian political system. These things are good but they are not the goal of Christianity. It is not about anything about the physical world. It is about salvation of the soul.

    The thing that we are to be hated is there in the Bible:

    “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. John 15, 18-19.

    What is better for salvation? Persecution of Christians or perversion of Christians?

    Spain was very Catholic from the The Third Council of Toledo (589) to 1975, where democracy arrived. Not even the Islamic conquest of eight centuries could go against that. Not even the Communist persecutions from 1931 to 1939. There were thousands of killings.. AND NOBODY RENOUNCED THE FAITH. NOT EVEN ONE IN THE ENTIRE SPAIN. I have a martyr in my extended family (the cousin of a grandfather) from this time and, of course, I know more martyrs in my hometown (which is small). Nothing could unroot Christianity: “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church”

    After that, in 1975, we were given a full dose of hedonism, democracy, money and perversion. When I go to Spain and go to the Mass on weekdays, I am the youngest one. I am 54 and the second youngest is close to 80. In weekends, things are something better, but you get the idea.

    So what is better for salvation for the souls ? Persecution or perversion? Let me tell you another example.


    Posted June 6, 2024 at 12:45 pm | Permalink
  9. imnobody00 says


    While Poland was Communist, the Catholic church was persecuted, but Poland remained Catholic. Now, after Communism fell, Polish Catholics stopped being persecuted and were integrated in the West, money, sex, hedonism… Christianity has decreased and Poland is on its way to become a de-Christianized country.

    So what is better for salvation of the souls? Persecution or perversion?

    Of course, the best thing would be to have a Christian society, but this is not available to us and no keyboard bravado will solve that. Western people are irredeemably corrupt and they applaud any degeneracy. We will have an anti-God society followed by a Muslim society (because anti-God people reproduce less than Muslim people).

    But this will be in the future. Muslim conquest proceeds with a slow pace. While this is happening, Western civilization reach higher and higher records of insanity and evil. In the high school of my sister, multiple kids have defined themselves as trannies or non-binary. They are receiving hormones.

    Being a Christian parent in Spain now, it is knowing that it is very likely that your kid will be corrupted by the culture, become anti-Christian and lose his soul.

    Living under Islam as a Christian is not something good. But, at least, after all the humiliation and persecution, you are part of a Christian community and you don’t lose your soul.

    Having said that, I have never said that I will fight to bring a Islamic society. I have only said that, with the pace of degeneracy we have now, when Islam conquers Spain, the degeneracy will be so huge that even Islam would be better. I never imagined castrating kids only five years ago. What will the future bring in Western society?

    I think that your problem is that you are anti-immigration. Fair enough. 20 years ago, nobody believed me in Spain when I said immigration is a huge problem, but now they believe me.

    But don’ try to disguise it as Christianity. You want Canada to stay native and there is nothing wrong with that: it is the normal thing for any ethnic group to keep its country. I would love to Spain to have stayed Spanish but I was in the tiny minority. Spanish people have been corrupted and are not worthy of their ancestors.

    If this is your option, I respect it. If I have misunderstood you and this is not option, I apologize and I respect your real option. But please don’t try to insult others and tell them that they are liars. This is rude and says a lot about you.

    Final words:

    I have tried to be reasonable with you twice and you have attacked me twice. If you are not polite, I will not answer any more: I will leave you with the toxic waste you seem to enjoy so much.

    My experience is that these keyboard bullies are the most coward people in real life. They try to bully online only to vent their frustrations because of being complete losers.

    Posted June 6, 2024 at 1:12 pm | Permalink
  10. john doran says


    methinks the lady doth protest too much…

    look, all I said is that what you are saying rings false to me; that is in no way, shape, or form ad hominem. It is a simple statement of the sense I get, from reading your comments, about why you might be making them. It is my opinion.

    If, on the other hand, you are referring to my statement about serious Catholicism’s incompatibility with “thanking God for His mercy” for being subjected to dhimmitude, then that is also not any kind of “attack”, ad hominem or otherwise: it is a simple statement of what i take to be the truth. It is my opinion.

    I used to live in a Catholic monastery, and there is no one known to me, throughout the length and breadth of that experience, who would even dream of saying such a thing.

    That is all I’m saying.

    I have specifically avoided any doctrinal discussion, precisely because I am not making any kind of argument: I am simply saying that I find it difficult to believe what you say.

    And, for the record, I know what the No True Scotsman fallacy is, but I have not made it: I have not discounted any putative counterexample of yours in order to accommodate my position. I am simply stating that I am inclined to disbelieve (some of) what you say.

    What’s more, I even allowed for the possibility that you are speaking truthfully, and sympathized with you.

    Either way, there was no “bullying”.

    And so I say, once more, go with God.

    Posted June 6, 2024 at 2:27 pm | Permalink
  11. jg says

    ‘nobody’ above confidently tells others to read a definition of the No True Scotsman fallacy while clearly first not having done so himself. The combination of text-wall and obvious error lead me to suggest: think more, and then write less.

    Posted June 6, 2024 at 2:51 pm | Permalink

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