On Comments

A quick review of my comment policy:

WordPress, the software I use, provides a comment-moderation feature that blocks all incoming comments until they are approved by me. I’ve never switched it on; I’ve been fortunate, over the decades, never to have felt the need. After 6,766 posts, and 28,888 comments, I’ve only ever removed a couple of dozen.

That said, this is a personal website, and I am its absolute despot, ruling entirely by whim. I am under no obligation to provide publication to anyone.

Oscar Wilde once said: “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” I have no problem with commenters who present contrary opinions, or who seek to correct me on some point of fact; indeed I welcome them, and have even had my opinions changed by them on several occasions. But if you are vulgar, or abusive, or excessively long-winded, or incivil, or present yourself in some other way that makes engaging with you unpleasant, and more trouble than it’s worth — or if it’s obvious that you’re just here to be a blowhard on a soapbox, and that no amount of conversation with you will offer the slightest chance of any give-and-take — then I will show you the door.

All I ask, really, is this: be charming. Don’t be tedious.

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